After spending almost 5 days at kampung KJ, today we went back home. Hubby datang malam tadi and spent the night. As always, pagi dihidangkan dengan breakfast yang selalunya awesome. Hari ni nasi lemak sotong dan paru. Yummms! Fridays we open at 2.30pm. So, lepas kemas apa yang patut (banyak lagi yang patut-patut belum kemas), went to the shop. Update accounts yang dah 4 hari tak buat. Catalog new stock yang masuk plus letak price tag. Then... for the first time in quite some time I had nothing to do. Click sana, click sini... tak ada juga. Kalau ada pun kena tunggu my admin staff masuk next week. Mula-mula rasa macam best kan? Baru setengah jam dah bosan gila. So, buka beberapa files lama dan cuba-cuba menulis. Hah! Cita-cita nak tulis novel okeh :). Dah tulis 2-3 buku sebelum ni agak "ilmiah". Mana tau kan... Sebenarnya tengah agak anxiety menunggu closure to that project yang baru nak masuk jarum. I really don't know how the ending will be. Minggu ni decline to mee...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.