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Less Weight on My Shoulders

Ramadhan has been good thus far. Alhamdulillah... Bayang-bayang new project ada but not confirmed. Yang tu kena bersabar dan berdoa. Our baju kurung side business doing quite well sampai today my sister kata might have to stop new orders especially those we need to courier. Takut tak sempat sampai. Hope can squeeze in a few more. We have a few yang tengah tunggu confirmation. This frenzy actually lasts for about 4-5 weeks in a year. Other months, it is almost stagnant. But the short frenzy does give quite good income, even though not as much as those who actually have baju kurung in stock and have their own shop or kiosk. We simply offer materials to be sewn into baju kurung. If there's a buyer, then only we get the material. We only have a small quantity of stock which we placed at Izzkin. Tapi alhamdulillah, rezeki juga. Semoga berkat usaha both Linda and me.

Today saw this flow of cash coming in from our rental income. We had this 2 brothers who came to view our workstations and within 20 minutes paid their booking fee. Then, 2 new tenants came to pay their 1+1 fees. Straight away we could pay our free-lance translator and web developer their outstanding fees. Next week will see 2 more new tenants and that will go to paying our office rental.  Alhamdulillah... I remember praying to Allah for help to pay our office rent one fateful morning when things looked so bleak and difficult. I pray for ideas and help so that I won't have to let go off this place that I've worked so hard to start. And Allah gave "ilham" on how I can optimise the use of the office. And in one month, help came in the form of tenants. The help covers not only the rent but also extra for paying bills. In 2 months' time, I calculated, we won't even have to pay rent as it is already taken care of!

I am so grateful that we (so far!) host tenants who are easy to be around with - especially that they don't always come in at the same time. So the office environment is still very peaceful. Alhamdulillah...
