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Blessed With Awesome People Around

Bersyukur itu sememangnya lebih susah dari bersabar. Walau banyak mana dugaan pun, kita tetap bersabar - going from one day to another to another. Masih bersabar. Tapi sepanjang bersabar tu selalu terlupa nak bersyukur. Kan? No matter how hard life is, there are always other people who are having it harder.

Alhamdulillah, we finally got the payment. Terima kasihlah Encik Kura-kura. However, by now, payment dah jadi macam air sirap cincau di bulan puasa - mengalir masuk bank terusss keluarrr... Tak singgah pun! However, I realise today how fortunate and blessed we are. We are surrounded by awesome people who would always help. From staff who accepts the difficult phase we are facing now, to partners who tolerate and continue doing projects with us. Syukur pada Allah for such great people around.

On another note, we are getting more colourful people as tenants at our office soon. From teacher-writer to lawyer to health product agent. By end of the month, we will have enough to pay off our monthly rental with a few hundred extra for bills. Alhamdulillah, now office rental is taken care of.
