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Raya 2010

My little family celebrated this year's Raya in Bangi and then went back to Melaka on the 2nd day. Alhamdulillah my father was already OK on Hari Raya. He was driven around to pick up lemang the day before Raya (I caught him getting dressed and telling me he can drive already, was about to call Hubby to come over to drive him when my Kak Long's family came back, so they drove him instead). The guys drove him to the mosque for solat Raya too. But come noon, we suddenly realised my father's missing, along with his car. Apparently, he quietly drove to the mosque for Friday prayers without telling anybody. I guess he was so tired of sitting around and having other people do the chores he used to do.

Now, 1st Raya activities - the usual binging on food at home, then binging on food at the usual "wajib" houses - my Pak Ngah Roslan across the house for mouth-watering sambal sotong, and my Makcik Mariah for the simply irresistible rendang daging and for some gossips...

2nd Raya activity - we actually spent half the day at the cemetery. This year, after our usual visit to my grandparents' graves and a host of others at Sg Buah, where my father (again, as usual) gave everybody his history lessons on how Bangi was formed, we also visited another newer cemetery nearby - visiting "latest" departs - my Mak Lang, etc. It's funny that you know them by nicknames but their names on their graves are totally different and even unexpected. My arwah Mak Lang Manah's actual name was actually "Khadijah" - which I actually just got to know!

Then back to Melaka for more food - nasib baik sempat merasa daging bali yang ngam-ngam tinggal satu mangkuk. We brought our niece Nurul along. Just nak buat dia happy sikit we took her to Pantai Puteri - bukan boleh mandi pun, nak rendam kaki pun I tak berani. But at least - pantai!

3rd Raya - still Melaka. We only went to one house but excellent food. And excellent company :) Gosh, I can't get that delicious sup gearbox out of my taste bud. Punya lah sedap...
Those yang ada on 1st Raya... Notice a lot of purples? Save budget beli baju raya + baju untuk kenduri kahwin Nizam next month - purple theme.
My parents... Diaorang duduk rumah je tunggu orang datang...
Selamat Hari Raya from us...
