A lot of things happened this week. Let's see...
We went to Kuantan for 2 days early of the week (Monday & Tuesday). It has been a hectic week and I totally forgot to pack Aliyah's books for Tuesday. She told us her teacher for Agama is so garang if the pupils don't bring their books. So we decided to give Aliyah a day off (the first this year!) - it's us - the parents' fault. We didn't want her to get any scolding. Then Aliyah actually got sick till Thursday. She's been very healthy this year.
We went back to Melaka on Friday afternoon for the wedding. Since then it's been a totally hectic and tiring weekend. But it was a good kenduri. But my knees ache from too much standing and walking - making sure the goodies for guests are always refilled and also welcoming the entourage from Sepang. My parents with the clan - my Kak Long & Angah came too. I managed to secure them a "VIP" table near this "kugiran" (borrowing my MIL's term) so they were seated comfortably.
My sister-in-law Azah gave birth to a baby girl on Friday. The little one shares birthday with my Kak Long. Oh my, she looks exactly like her sister Wani. Name is Nurazwa Aqilah. So happy for this new addition.
Aliyah with the kitten. We decided to name her/him (not sure lah) Jiji. Bubu still not back. I finally told my Kak Long and she has done her magic - she told my father. My father dah bangun malam sembahyang hajat so that Bubu comes home. Cats are a big thing in my family - they are companions. So, we'll see if Bubu comes back. I'm not putting too much hope though...
Know what, this hantaran from my wedding 10 years back still exist! It's on top of a cupboard in Hubby's room in Melaka. This is the dulang for bunga rampai and cincin I think. The theme was light purple. You can even see some very dried bunga rampai in the glasses.
We went to Kuantan for 2 days early of the week (Monday & Tuesday). It has been a hectic week and I totally forgot to pack Aliyah's books for Tuesday. She told us her teacher for Agama is so garang if the pupils don't bring their books. So we decided to give Aliyah a day off (the first this year!) - it's us - the parents' fault. We didn't want her to get any scolding. Then Aliyah actually got sick till Thursday. She's been very healthy this year.
We went back to Melaka on Friday afternoon for the wedding. Since then it's been a totally hectic and tiring weekend. But it was a good kenduri. But my knees ache from too much standing and walking - making sure the goodies for guests are always refilled and also welcoming the entourage from Sepang. My parents with the clan - my Kak Long & Angah came too. I managed to secure them a "VIP" table near this "kugiran" (borrowing my MIL's term) so they were seated comfortably.
My sister-in-law Azah gave birth to a baby girl on Friday. The little one shares birthday with my Kak Long. Oh my, she looks exactly like her sister Wani. Name is Nurazwa Aqilah. So happy for this new addition.
