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Do I Really Know Him?

I noticed E's facebook contained depressing thoughts lately. She has this beautiful way with words - poetic and sincere. I thought to myself, I pray she's in the midst of writing a novel. Apparently, she's not. She really is going through the worst in her marriage.

When we met, almost on cue of my how-are-you, she immediately poured out her souls. I felt uncomfortable at first, us not really being what I can call good friends. She's my junior from university and that day was actually our second meeting even though we do email and sms each other, but mostly about work. She's my favourite proof-reader, I never want anyone else to proof-read our translations.

We ended up talking for almost an hour. She opening up, me listening, commenting and I felt deeply for her. She's going through this rough time in her marriage and amazingly she's so calm and composed. In the end, she wondered aloud why she was telling me all her problems but said she felt relieved. I was glad to be there for her. But then our talk led me to think of my own marriage. Do I really know this man I married? You can be married for decades but one fine day your other half can simply walk away and said he fell out of love with you.

I'm the trusting type. I never check my hubby's phone contacts, emails or sms. I never check with his colleagues of his whereabouts or behaviour at the office. If he says he plays golf, then golf it is. I don't know whether I should start to be paranoid and start checking things out. Should I? I don't think I want to. There's no reason to do so right now anyway...

To E: hang in there, be brave. He's the one at the losing end. And - you look great gal! I bet he'll be salivating the next time he comes back!
