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How Did They Even Got There

I dah lama tak beli newspaper - only The Star on Saturdays. I pun dah lama tak tengok news on TV - only the first 5 mins of TV3 news in case ada something big happened. Know why? Because rasa tak sanggup nak baca or tengok our ministers, politicians or anybody yang sewaktu dengannya making a fool of themselves. And I wonder and wonder what crazy action that made us the voters to vote these kind of people to lead the country.

Since our ministers pun dah label blogs as unreliable, rubbish and reading blogs is a waste of time, I'm listing out a few that really irritate me since they don't value bloggers' opinions anyways.

1. The 3 stooges: even to name them is an insult to my page, but I'm sure you know who they are. Yang selalu main cakap tak pikir dulu, lepas tu terlepas cakap and the whole country will be in uproar, and then they call for a press conference and apologize. And a few weeks later, they said something stupid again and the cycle starts again. Come on, the parliament is not a place for you to crack jokes to spice up the sleepy afternoons.

2. The unintelligible information minister: I should create a syllabus and offer him a full-time 6 months course on "Communicating Effectively To The Foreign Media As They Ask Tricky Questions That You Couldn't Understand But Instead Of Ponder A While You Answered Stupidly Anyway". And I'll throw in "Anger Management and How Not To Lose It and Embarrass the Whole Country" and "English Pronunciation for Dummies" for free.

By the way, dear Ministers, blog is simply a tool to communicate. If I were them, I would use this tool to the max. Do they even know that World Bank and the US Govt have blogs on their websites?
