Aliyah's concert and graduation day was held yesterday. She participated in Malay dance and Hindi dance. So cute dgn baju ala-ala I dream of genienya. I pulak yg rasa sedih. She went to that kindergarten for 2 years and we are in very good terms with the teachers - selalu terserempak makan kat kedai mamak. Come January, it'll be real school for her. Risaunya I...
Malay dance. Naughty boy tau partner dia ni. Nama dia Adam. Aliyah mengadu, dia kata Adam kata Aliyah tak pandai dance and suruh jgn datang masa concert. School can be so stressful for kids... Ni baru tadika.
Received her certificate from Gunes, the assistant principal.
Make-up punyalah tebal.
Hindi dance pulak. She really enjoyed herself in this one!
