I was one of those many people who actually tuned to Academy Awards red carpet just to see Linda Onn. Yes, I was curious on how she fares. But she didn't appear, only that Dominic guy making a fool of himself. Serious. Did he actually sat down with people from Star Movies and brainstormed what kind of questions to ask? I know he was so very excited being on the red carpet seeing all those stars pass by, but hello, those stars go down the Academy Awards red carpet every year. So, the question: how does it feel to be on the red carpet is really amateur. (And this guy actually had the cheek to say Linda missed the once in the life time opportunity that other people only dream of. Well, better than looking so stupid on TV being made fun by those sarcastic Hollywood celebrities.)
Anyway, I then checked out this one particular gossip website and people there were bashing up Linda like nobody's business. I really don't why I actually subscribed to that website. But I know that my way of thinking is actually way, way up there compared to those people's narrow-minded and one-way-street way of thinking. So, rather than feeling angry at the postings, I actually had fun reading stupid postings.
Back to Linda, she must have her own reasons and she's sticking up to the principles she believes in. And that takes a lot of guts. For that, I salute her. Berani betul. One thing for sure, she jeopardizes her career. But for one to make a statement, one needs to take the risks.
There are so many statements about her - stupid la, try to act like diva la, etc. But in the end, just step back for a while and think about the issue here. What is so great about being "at the edge" of the red carpet, waving at and interviewing some snobbish Hollywood stars? They are the ones having their awards night, yang kita sibuk2 buat apa? Having the KL red carpet is stupid enough. What do our local celebrities do? Wear something nice and sit around in a ballroom watching the awards on big screen TV. Early in the morning some more. I really fail to see the logic of it.
If you want to see a good interview, watch back Harith Iskander's show with Il Divo. That's the kind of show we can be proud off. The way he handled the group, the way they opened up to him, and how he managed to coaxed them to sing despite the strict regulations posed by the organizers and the PRs. That's what I call brilliant. If jumping up and down excitedly, with your head full of this "I'm at the Academy Awards" thoughts, and not even realizing that you are asking stupid questions and again not even realizing that the answers you got from the celebrities are actually sarcastic remarks is what they call "missing a life time opportunity that some people can only dream of", I will pass.
Anyway, I then checked out this one particular gossip website and people there were bashing up Linda like nobody's business. I really don't why I actually subscribed to that website. But I know that my way of thinking is actually way, way up there compared to those people's narrow-minded and one-way-street way of thinking. So, rather than feeling angry at the postings, I actually had fun reading stupid postings.
Back to Linda, she must have her own reasons and she's sticking up to the principles she believes in. And that takes a lot of guts. For that, I salute her. Berani betul. One thing for sure, she jeopardizes her career. But for one to make a statement, one needs to take the risks.
There are so many statements about her - stupid la, try to act like diva la, etc. But in the end, just step back for a while and think about the issue here. What is so great about being "at the edge" of the red carpet, waving at and interviewing some snobbish Hollywood stars? They are the ones having their awards night, yang kita sibuk2 buat apa? Having the KL red carpet is stupid enough. What do our local celebrities do? Wear something nice and sit around in a ballroom watching the awards on big screen TV. Early in the morning some more. I really fail to see the logic of it.
If you want to see a good interview, watch back Harith Iskander's show with Il Divo. That's the kind of show we can be proud off. The way he handled the group, the way they opened up to him, and how he managed to coaxed them to sing despite the strict regulations posed by the organizers and the PRs. That's what I call brilliant. If jumping up and down excitedly, with your head full of this "I'm at the Academy Awards" thoughts, and not even realizing that you are asking stupid questions and again not even realizing that the answers you got from the celebrities are actually sarcastic remarks is what they call "missing a life time opportunity that some people can only dream of", I will pass.
Hopefully Star World will be more careful about who they select in the future for such prestigious events.
We don't want another episode of a "princess" throwing tantrums because she cannot do the job she was sent to do but at the same time has no problems lapping up an expensive paid holiday.
Aku sokong Linda Onn berpegang pada prinsip. Celaka punya Star TV, nak jual maruah orang kat Hollywood.
Apparently Linda has no problem wearing “sexy” clothes at other events. Just read what the papers say about her today. One example is an extract as follows:
"Linda pertahan prinsip berpakaian?" Oleh Serimah Mohd Sallehuddin Berita Harian
"Linda dalam kenyataan dalam sebuah tabloid mengadu, gaun berkenaan tidak kena dengan prinsipnya kerana gaun itu menyebabkan dia kelihatan seperti ‘berbogel’?. Apa prinsip Linda? Adakah dia cuba mengatakan bahawa baju rekaan Radzuan seksi?
Di sini Hip lampirkan beberapa pakaian yang pernah dipakai Linda Onn dalam beberapa majlis sebelum ini. Kenapa Linda kata dia tidak boleh berpakaian seksi? Daripada beberapa gambar yang Hip himpunkan, kebanyakan baju yang Linda pakai nampaknya tidaklah seperti prinsip dipertahankan.
Baju yang dipakai Linda kebanyakannya jarang yang mendedahkan lengan dan dadanya. Kenapa Linda mahu mempertikaikan rekaan Radzuan sedangkan baju berkenaan kelihatan lebih sopan daripada baju pernah dipakainya sebelum ini!
Apakah tujuan Linda untuk terus mempertahankan prinsipnya mengenai baju? Atau, Linda sebenarnya cuba menyorokkan sesuatu dengan menjadikan isu baju sebagai puncanya semata-mata untuk menutup kesilapan diri?
Seperti kata Naib Presiden Pemasaran Star TV, Nini Yusof, di dalam laporan Malay Mail semalam, pihaknya ada menyediakan tukang jahit untuk membaiki baju sekiranya diperlukan.
Kalau benar korset berkenaan besar, kenapa Linda tidak meminta pihak Star Movies membaiki gaun itu? Mereka mempunyai kepakaran dan pernah bekerja dengan artis popular Hollywood. Gaun berkenaan tidaklah mendedahkan seperti dilaporkan. Lebih-lebih lagi, bunga bertaburan memenuhi baju itu sedikit sebanyak menutup lengannya, jika benar Linda tidak mahu mendedahkan dada dan lengannya.
Apa pula penjelasan Linda bila melihat gambar-gambarnya sebelum ini? Adakah Linda masih ingin terus menegakkan prinsipnya sedangkan sebelum ini dia sendiri yang melanggar prinsip itu. Sedangkan baju rekaan Radzuan itu tidak ada bezanya seperti tiga baju dalam gambar disiarkan."
"Linda gagal jalani sesi raptai – Nini"
KUALA LUMPUR 5 Mac – “Kami faham jika Linda kata dia tidak berasa selesa dengan pakaian gantian untuknya bagi mengacara majlis karpet merah sempena Anugerah Academy ke-79 di Kodak Theater, Hollywood, Amerika Syarikat baru-baru ini.
“Sebab itu, kami menyediakan tukang jahit profesional dari Hollywood untuk mengubahsuai pakaian tersebut demi keselesaan beliau.”
Demikian penjelasan Naib Presiden Bersekutu Serantau Asia Star Movies, Nini Yusof ketika berkunjung ke pejabat Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Menurutnya, keputusan menarik diri pada majlis itu adalah keputusan Linda Onn sepenuhnya.
“Saya diberitahu oleh pihak produksi, Linda telah gagal menjalani sesi raptai mengikut standard diperlukan. Kerana itu, kami telah mengadakan sesi latihan tambahan pada pagi, sebelum acara berlangsung,” jelasnya.
Beliau berkata demikian bagi menjawab kenyataan Linda yang menyatakan kakaknya merangkap pembantu peribadi, Intan Onn berasa terkejut apabila diberitahu tentang sesi latihan itu yang dirasakan mengganggu masa rehat Linda.
Kata Nini, pihaknya tidak berasakan satu kerugian apabila selebriti berkenaan menarik diri daripada tugasnya sebagai pengacara pada majlis berkenaan.
Bagaimanapun, katanya, fokus utama mereka pada hari berkenaan ialah memastikan acara berjalan lancar walau tanpa kehadiran Linda.
“Pasangan Linda iaitu Dominic Lau telah berjaya melakukannya dengan begitu baik sekali walaupun pada saat akhir, diberitahu dia perlu mengacarakan program itu sendirian.
“Perlu saya tegaskan, sebagai pihak produksi kami berhak membuat sebarang perubahan pada saat akhir demi memastikan standard kualiti dapat dicapai. Ini termasuk memastikan pengacara dapat memberi komitmen tinggi pada hari latihan,” ujar beliau.
Bagaimanapun, Nini menganggap segala kejadian yang berlaku sebagai iktibar dan pihaknya akan terus memberi peluang kepada bakat tempatan pada masa akan datang."
Linda should grow up and behave with some dignity and have respect for others. She should not take Star Tv for a ride by having a nice holiday in LA at their expense. She was sent there to do a job and she behaved very unprofessinally. She should now repay Star Tv every cent they spent on you. That is if she really has principles.
Menyesal lak aku post pasal Linda Onn ni.
TUE MAR 06, 02:34:00 PM
Nuranizah, I was not trying to disrespect you so if it sounded like I was, I want to say that I truly respect your right to your opinion.
And, honestly, why should you regret posting what you did about Linda Onn? You did not do anything wrong there.
You are a blogger and so have taken on the responsibility in some way to post topics of general interest.
There is nothing wrong either in you wanting to be supportive of Linda, if that is how you feel. It is your right to have your own opinions on whatever is happening.
However, having said that, you do also understand that once you, as a blogger, open the door to public opinion, just as I respect your right to your opinion, you must give back the same right to others.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not being critical of you, because in all honesty I do think you are brave enough to say what is on your mind.
All I am doing is saying what is on mine, and it just so happens that I have an opinion that is very different from yours in some ways. But that is how good debate begins.
Where Linda Onn is concerned, I believe the girl has behaved very, very unprofessionally and she is continuing to behave in a manner which is uncalled for. She should stop causing further damage to her reputation if she wants to come out of this issue without any more bad publicity. Unfortunately, it appears that she has a highly inflated opinion of herself and she needs to get her feet back on the ground to save herself.
Nonetheless Nuranizah, you must keep on writing, because it is obviously something you like to do and no one should stop you from doing what you love.
I on my part will make it a point to visit your blog every now and then and give my opinion when I think I have one.
Congratulations on having the courage to blog and the patience to keep it going. Keep up the good work.
If nak kutuk Linda - can go post kat those gossip forums - a better place than my humble blog. I don't want to add another avenue for people to bash her up. I don't know her but I pity her.
What has made many people angry is that some one else could have had the opportunity to do the job if Linda had had the decency to refuse the invitation when it was first made to her instead of taking all the money, the flight, the hotel etc and then refusing to do the job she was sent there to do.
Oh, and by the way, she apparently had a grand time there including a trip to Las Vegas!! Thanks to Star TV whom she let down so badly.
I don’t think people simply want to kutuk Linda. But Linda is responsible for her own actions and she is also responsible for what those actions cause by way of public opinion.
Linda set herself up as a target. She is a public figure and if she cannot take public opinion then she should quit the public arena.
As the Associate Vice President of Star TV has told the newspapers, Linda did not even show up for rehearsals that had been specially arranged for her. It seems she preferred to sleep.
When the truth about her is revealed how can you expect Malaysians not to get angry and feel ashamed at her behaviour? Ofcourse they are going to comment! Unfortunately some people are rude and nasty in their choice of language and they should not resort to such behaviour.
You said “ I don't want to add another avenue for people to bash her up” -- I maintain that when you open the door to a topic, you cannot deny others the right to comment on the issue. And I do not regard my remarks about Linda as ‘kutuk’.