Time flies. Rasa baru je cuti raya, dah start kerja balik. Back to the real world.
I'm putting photos here. Mood tak ada lah. Got a story to tell, also later lah.
Wana, Wani and Sarah pasang pelita malam tujuh likur.
Wana, Wani, Sarah and their Abang Ijam. The eldest cousin with the youngest ones.
My brother-in-law Abang Din, hubby and my father. My father pakai samping glamer, dapat hadiah kat masjid.
Sarah with her Pak Ngah.
It was a good Raya. Went to visit some old mak ciks and wans and atoks. Sedih la jugak when the old people you know dah tua, sakit and even nyanyuk.
Wan Ramah, who used to stay near my mom's place, is now 95 years old. When I was in college, my parents used to visit my sister in JB and spent their weekends there. Wan Ramah would come over to our house to accompany me. Around 6.30pm, she would come over with her bag filled with telekung and change of clothes. I think she must have been 80+ then. She said takut I duduk rumah sorang-sorang, mana lah tau. Masalahnya, kalau la pencuri masuk rumah, sekali dusyum je sah-sah orang tua tu dah pengsan. Anyway, her timing is really off for me. She would sleep at 8.30pm, so kena la tido sama-sama, and wake up at 5.30am, punya lah awal! Now she's really old and bed-ridden. She actually looked at me and said, "Macam kenal!". Terharu I. And she kept saying the same thing over and over. Before going back I kissed her cheeks - her skin was so soft like a baby's and she smells also like a baby. Solat memang dia tak tinggal walaupun dah tua macam tu, maybe thats why. And dia sempat pesan, "Jaga mak kau elok-elok ya". Huwaaa sedih gila.
I'm putting photos here. Mood tak ada lah. Got a story to tell, also later lah.

It was a good Raya. Went to visit some old mak ciks and wans and atoks. Sedih la jugak when the old people you know dah tua, sakit and even nyanyuk.
Wan Ramah, who used to stay near my mom's place, is now 95 years old. When I was in college, my parents used to visit my sister in JB and spent their weekends there. Wan Ramah would come over to our house to accompany me. Around 6.30pm, she would come over with her bag filled with telekung and change of clothes. I think she must have been 80+ then. She said takut I duduk rumah sorang-sorang, mana lah tau. Masalahnya, kalau la pencuri masuk rumah, sekali dusyum je sah-sah orang tua tu dah pengsan. Anyway, her timing is really off for me. She would sleep at 8.30pm, so kena la tido sama-sama, and wake up at 5.30am, punya lah awal! Now she's really old and bed-ridden. She actually looked at me and said, "Macam kenal!". Terharu I. And she kept saying the same thing over and over. Before going back I kissed her cheeks - her skin was so soft like a baby's and she smells also like a baby. Solat memang dia tak tinggal walaupun dah tua macam tu, maybe thats why. And dia sempat pesan, "Jaga mak kau elok-elok ya". Huwaaa sedih gila.