I woke up this morning to very sad news. An ex-colleague passed away before Subuh. He had colon cancer. Allah... Terus duduk rumah saja hari ni. Sepanjang hari dok teringat especially wondering how his family is doing. Years ago, when my previous company was small, we were quite close. Actually all of us were very close. We were like family. He was the Sales Director at that time if I am not mistaken. Every time the company participates in a tender, we would work together as a team. Day and night. Even weekends. I remember the times I had to bring anak comel to the office on weekends to work. She was a toddler then. But she behaved very well. All I needed was her toto, pillow, toys and milk. And she would mind her own business while the team worked to finish up tender documents. He would smile and tegur anak comel every time he passed by my workstation.
After I left the company we did work on a few projects. Every meeting with him was a delight. He was the most soft-spoken man I've ever known. Never lost his cool. Very calm even in a storm. Always have solutions to almost any problems. Not so much of a funny man but made you laugh along because his laugh was contagious. Orang yang sangat, sangat baik.
The last time I saw him was a couple of years ago I think. It was at Nazri's daughter's wedding. Itu pun terserempak dekat lift. We were leaving while he just arrived. Tak sempat bercakap sangat just Hi and Bye. Now he's gone. Even though we didn't keep in touch much, his lost had this profound impact I believe on each and every one of us who knew him. He will be missed.
Al Fatihah untuk Allahyarham Norazam Zakaria or fondly called NZ. Allahumma firlahu warhamhu wa`afihi wa`fu`anhu. Ya Allah, ampunilah dosanya, berilah rahmatMu ke atasnya, sejahtera dan maafkanlah dia. Aminnn...
Not much happened today. Lunch and dinner pun order from GrabFood and FoodPanda. I was busy experimenting with that double zipped wristlet. And just after Maghrib I lost the battle. It was quite a tricky pattern. Very precise. Semua items kena potong betul-betul ikut measurement. The zips I used awal-awal lagi width tak ikut specification. Ingatkan boleh alter sikit. When the time comes to stitch the first 2 pieces together, they didn't fit! Frust terus. So I threw them away and now trying another pattern yang nampak agak sensible. We'll see...
Stay safe!