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MCO Day 143

Covid19 cases have gone up again. It's starting to get a bit scary now... Just when you thought things have gotten better, some idiot would do something stupid and as a result innocent people are suffering. So please. Practice physical distancing. Wear face masks. Wash or sanitize your hands. I must admit, when things started to get better, I too started to get a bit relaxed. Nowadays, dah rajin semula sanitize tangan.

I have been busy with my sewing projects lately. Palazzo for Nisa, Mas's daughter, dah siap. Sekarang tengah nak buat untuk Mak dia pulak. Progress slow sikit. Entah buat apa pun tak tau! Alhamdulillah, remember the palazzo I made last 2 weeks for that customer from Carousell? Dia repeat order. Minggu depan nak start buat dia punya pulak. 

Made of cotton linen. Nice material. I should make one for myself!
Sempat buat 2 face masks. Ada opening untuk insert filter.
Baru siap buat second pair sebenarnya. Another nice colour. Also need to buy this and make one for myself!
Baru dapat kain ni awal minggu. Mas terus ambik yang ni. Very nice design. That Carousell customer pun booking yang ni. Dia nak kain saja untuk mak dia. I guess I need to order more of this.
Siapa kata orang lelaki tak pakai face mask extension? Actually Hubbs mintak I buat something for him to wear supaya telinga dia tak sakit bila dia pakai face mask dan sarung helmet. So, I buatlah this simple extension. Pakai saja apa yang ada dalam kotak sewing stuff I tu. He was so happy. Ingat nak cari elastic dan butang warna hitam. Helok sikit kan...

Ever since my palpitation episode itu hari, I am forbidden from drinking caffeine by Hubbs and anak comel (and my Abang Ben too). I really miss drinking coffee. Dah la I have this huge stash of coffee in my pantry. Beli masa sale lah, orang bagi lah... Hari ni, dengan berat hati (dan setelah alasan nak kasi orang datang rumah minum kopi tidak diterima oleh majoriti kat rumah ni), I "donated" all my coffee sachets. Hubbs ada usrah with the guys, so dia bawak semua. 

Stay safe people. Take care!
