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Showing posts from September, 2019

Around the House

Pokok pisang tanduk kat rumah ni sebenarnya lama sangat tak berbuah. Tapi, sekali dia berbuah, dua pokok terus. One of them pulak, ada 2 tandan. Alhamdulillah... Lama tak makan pisang hasil tanaman rumah ni. Teringat pulak, last ada buah my arwah SIL Kak Ros was still around...  Yang ni tunggu masa yang sesuai saja nak diturunkan... Lama tak jumpa 2 tandan terus ni. Rasanya ini kali ke 2 kot... Mangga pulak... lepas letak baja beli di kedai Ecco tu, naik bunga satu tangkai. Tapi itu je lah satu. Yang satu tu buah dah mula membesar... Adalah dalam 5-6 biji... Alhamdulillah. Lepas ni nak kena try buat campur-campur baja macam dulu. Today is also Hubb's birthday. Tapi tunggu anak comel balik baru nak celebrate 😅 Birthday lunch makan nasi campur saja. Happy birthday dear Husband 😘😍

New Investment

I made a new investment this week. I bought an overlock sewing machine. Mesin cari makan. At first I didn't think I needed it. But then, I find it quite difficult to sew things just using a normal portable sewing machine per se. For seam, using zig-zag stitches might do the trick but they don't look nice and professional. Huru-hara at times! I resorted to using french seam whenever I make pants and blouses. However, french seam can be a bit bulky and not so comfy especially on a blouse. So, I graduated to sending my cut out pieces of fabrics to Karysma in Bukit Mahkota to get them serged. Quite economical because it costs only around RM2 to RM3 per garment. Selang 2-3 hari I will pop by! But then, I started to want to make more things and found that certain items need to be serged after they are stitched. That would be a bit of a problem. You know, to bring a half finished sewing project to get it serged, with the pins and loose threads and all... Also, sometimes I only wish ...

Growing Kittens

The kittens have grown. The 4 tabbies are more than 3 months old now. And so very naughty. Boba, the tortoiseshell kitten, is half their size. Selalunya dia kena buli dengan yang besar-besar tu. Boba ni sebenarnya hilang seminggu. A few weeks ago. One morning, she just went missing. Mak dia bawak dia pergi mana tah. Geram betul. Lepas tu mak dia dok bising mintak tolong cari anak dia. Puas kita orang cari tapi tak jumpa. Akhirnya redha saja. Mungkin sampai situ saja kita orang jaga dia. Memang dah lost hope. Then, the morning we came back from sending anak comel back to Melaka, sampai rumah dengar bunyi anak kucing kat belakang. Rupanya dia! Dalam longkang. Bila Hubbs panggil, dia berlari ikut. She still remembers Hubb's voice. Ye lah kan, orang yang jaga dia 😊. So now she's back with us, malam-malam akan pastikan semua locked up dalam cage. Bukan apa, kadang-kadang malam dengar juga bunyi anjing. Risau weh kot kena kejar. Hubbs buat theme park untuk kucing-kucing ni. Ha...

Thank You!

My nephews and nieces decided to throw a birthday makan-makan last Saturday. Double birthday - their father's and mine. Kebetulan anak comel balik for her eye appointment. At this point of time when everybody is still shrouded in sadness, it was so heart-warming that these kids organised a get-together. Nak contribute apa-apa pun tak perlu katanya. So, we went with just our hungry stomachs 😅. Alhamdulillah macam-macam food ada atas meja - notably satay dan pizza yang buat asyik menambah. Semoga semua anak-anak sedara dimurahkan rezeki, dipermudahkan segala urusan dan dibawah lindungan Allah setiap masa.  Ada dua lilin. Tiup sorang satu😆. Nasib baik tak letak lilin ikut umur dua-dua. Mau sampai tepi kek kena pacak lilin 😆! Red velvet hasil Segar Bakeri. Memang sedap 😋 Lepas makan, dia orang ni bukak I Can See Your Voice. Masing-masing kaki rupanya! Jadinya, Ateh berusaha untuk memahamkan cerita tu 😅. Adehhh...

It's My Birthday!

Yup, it's my birthday today. Very low-key. Not well since yesterday. I had this humongous migraine. I think the haze is the culprit. Went out with Hubbs yesterday, teman dia meeting. Then right after went to Alamanda for lunch. The haze was really bad around Putrajaya, suffocating, the sun was kind of orangey and blinding. Jadinya malam semalam tidur in so much pain. Sampai kena letak ice kat kepala. Adoi... Anak comel called at 12.10am. Capai juga phone bercakap dengan dia. Lepas tu memang tak pegang dah phone. Today migraine ada lagi separuh. Gagah kan juga ke Melaka fetch anak comel yang ada appointment dengan eye specialist. Alhamdulillah hari ni tak kena incision. Ada cyst sikit doctor poke dan picit. As usual dapat ubat sebeban. Lagi 3 minggu another appointment. Balik tu sempat singgah bakery, anak comel and Hubbs belikan cake. Alhamdulillah dapat celebrate bertiga 👪.  Lama tak tiup lilin 😅!  Anak comel pilih black forest cake.  Punyalah banyak li...


The haze is getting from bad to worst. I guess the gloominess and suffocation brought by it reflects the state of the heart. My mother is no longer around. This thought keeps repeating itself inside my head over and over. Truthfully, I have "redha" since that last day I took care of her about 1 year and half a month ago. But reality is a totally different thing. Visited her grave on the next day. Since I didn't have the chance or time to prepare bunga rampai, which seems to be my task when such event happens, I made some. Kasi make-up sikit... My father's too! Anyway, speaking of haze, anak comel sent me a message on Saturday at around 8pm, saying she's not well and if she can come home. We thought of driving down straight away but she said it's OK. She didn't want to "susahkan" both of us. So we went to fetch her early  Sunday morning. Salam tangan saja dah rasa panas. Dia demam dan selsema. The haze was really bad there. After goi...

Selamat Jalan Mak...

My beloved mother passed away yesterday, Thursday 12 September, at 11.47pm. She has been hospitalised at Serdang Hospital for the past 2 weeks plus. She was buried today, Friday 13 September, at around 11am. Today is her 81st birthday. I didn't get to be with her at her last. Received call from my SIL Azah at 11.42pm, straight away got ready, rushed out, made a U-turn back to fetch my Angah, and on the way just as we passed Southville exit, received call from my Abang Ben informing that my mother has left us. My mother passed on a most auspicious night. And she was buried on a most auspicious day. I am certain her end was husnul khatimah. She left peacefully. When I reached her hospital bed at around 12.40am, she was already cleaned up, the tubes removed. And her face looked so... the only word I can find is cute. So comel. Round healthy face, fair and calm with this little mischievous look brought by her lips. She's just sleeping, I said to myself. When I kissed her forehe...

New Month

It's already September. Time sure flies when you have nothing much to do! Let's see... First, my sewing. I have not touched my sewing machine in like more than a week. That's a long time for me. Bukan tak ada project. Ada. Entahlah, punyalah malas pulak. I actually have this fabric to be made into a palazzo for anak comel. Masa dia balik last 2 weeks, I saw that the black palazzo I made her macam dah lusuh sikit. So we went to Gio and bought her new fabric. She wanted exactly like the one I made earlier. And since I dah pandai jahit side pockets, add pockets. Tapi, sampai hari ni masih elok lagi kain tu terlipat! I also promised to make her a zip pouch for her pencil case. Nasib yang sama juga. Godek-godek kain dalam box, jumpa yang sesuai. Ada je tu kat atas meja 😅. But then, last week I actually spent the time studying (theory dulu). I enrolled in kelas jahit telekung. As usual, it's an online class. Menarik juga jahit telekung ek? First project pastinya untuk ...

Sambal Menyambal

Hari ni ialah hari Sambal Garing Che Nor 😅. Ha ah, I ni agent. Dah jadi agent dekat 2-3 tahun kot. Tak lah aktif sangat. Biasanya sebulan satu kotak saja. Maintain requirement jadi agent. Pagi tadi pergi restock di kedai regular di Bukit Mahkota. Sebenarnya lambat sikit daripada biasa. Tapi alhamdulillah, habis juga. Terus kosong kotak kat rumah ni😊. Pagi semalam, lepas Subuh check phone, waaahhh... ada payment ke PayPal. Ada orang beli sambal garing kat eBay. Jadinya, lepas restock tadi, pegi beli FlexiPack International envelope untuk pos sambal satu bekas ke US. Satu bekas saja. Tapi setelah pengalaman pos 5 bekas sambal beberapa bulan lepas, I dah study betul-betul semua charges dan make sure ada profit. Bukan apa, dulu menjual di eBay biasanya orang beli satu barang saja. Tapi bila kena orang beli 5 barang terus, barulah tau seksa juga 😅. Just nak share kot la ada yang nak menjual di eBay, these are the changes you need to consider when you sell: 1. Fees to PayPal - percen...