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Ramadan Kareem to You

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa. Hari ni dah masuk 2 Ramadan. Alhamdulillah, Ramadan kali ni sangat menenangkan.

Let's see...
 I sent the whole lot of CVL pouches on Friday 26 April. Cari pahala sedekah hari Jumaat untuk semua contributors yang baik hati. The last count was 192. I sent this package of almost 2kgs to the collection center. Alhamdulillah, I got word that the pouches will be distributed to various hospitals this Ramadan. Terima kasih kepada semua yang memberi sumbangan. Semoga anda mendapat setinggi-tinggi ganjaran atas kebaikan dan keikhlasan anda.

Last Saturday tengok Endgame buat kali ke 2. As predicted - huaaaa jugak 😢.  Surprisingly, tengok second time lagi best. I think what makes Endgame so good is the little things you pick up. Little things that make you go awww... or heyyyyy... that you associate with previous movies. Hubbs kata dia tak nangis. Eleehhh... Kalau ikut kepala I dan anak comel, memang nak tengok third time 😅.
 I completed the April challenge. Ngam-ngam on the last day. This month punya dah masuk tapi rasanya tak akan berjayalah. First star dah miss.
 Lepas selesai jahit pouches hari tu rehatkan my sewing machine. Hari ni baru nak mula balik. Tadi dah potong kain nak buat pants dan blouse untuk customer yang sedia menanti walaupun I lembab betul nak buat 😅
Nowadays, as much as possible bagi anak comel practise driving. She's still not so "stable" but improving. I memang suka lah duduk je sebelah 😍.

These 2 days busy with getting anak comel placement to further studies. The UPU results came out on Sunday. Alhamdulillah she received an offer from UiTM. But then, on Monday we got to know the exact branch she got accepted to. Allah... Dengan berat hati rasanya kena decline. Allah knows best. Perhaps rezeki dia di tempat lain. Semoga Allah permudahkan. Doakan ya...
