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Showing posts from April, 2019

Avengers Time

It's already almost a week since Avengers: Endgame was released. So, anything I write dah tak kira as spoilers lah kan. Anak comel and I watched it on the second day. Thursday. Just like the rest of the world, we were so excited. Bukan apa, ending Infinity War last year tu memang sangat "menggeramkan". And that end credit of Captain Marvel sparked even more excitement. Finally, it's here. Pagi-pagi dah ready! Our show was at 10am.  Breakfast dulu. Nanti 3 jam kena duduk diam-diam. Sekarang ni favourite anak comel ialah roti bakar special kat Al Haji Bistro.  Sampai IOI City Mall around 9.40am. Tengok tu - kedai pun tak bukak lagi!  Bila nak start ni? It was truly a 3-hour roller-coaster. Ada part kelakar, ada part sedih. Adehh... Before the show started, I memang dah pass tissues pada anak comel. Just in case. Hati dan jiwa rasa macam kental. Tapi bila sampai part hujung tu... tak leh tahan lah! Ada this group of boys duduk sederet dengan we all. Bil...

Our Going-ons

Just got off my sewing machine. I finally completed all 186 CVL pouches contributed by friends and family. Alhamdulillah... Insyaallah Friday ni nak post. Semoga Allah berkati usaha kecil ini. The pouches I've completed. Alhamdulillah siap semua ngam-ngam 2 hari sebelum my own target date. Ingat nak tambah sikit lagi. Will see... Lepas ni boleh start project baru. Anak comel selalu complain I tak start lagi buat blouse dia 😅. Speaking of anak comel, yesterday she took her driving test. Kali ke berapa? Kali ke 3 😅! First time she took, she failed both jalan raya dan litar. Second time, dia pass jalan raya tapi litar failed. Padahal semalamnya dia kata cikgu puji dia boleh buat semua perfectly. Semalam - she passed litar. So, officially she can now drive. Alhamdulillah... Dia sebenarnya memang dah boleh drive cuma tersangat nervous kot masa second test. Semalam I "warned" her - if you don't pass this time, I'll force Abah to take leave on Thursday and ...

Jalan-Jalan KL

As planned, anak comel and I went for an excursion to the city yesterday. And we had a blast despite the so very hot weather. I clocked about 15,000 steps, so you can imagine how far we walked! Itu pun sebenarnya lalu banyak short-cuts. Apparently my teenage experience going around KL by foot helped a lot! Here's the chronicle of our "adventure". We started with breakfast at around 9am. First stop - McDonalds Bandar Seri Putra. Kena isi perut dulu! Then, off to MRT Kajang. Park kereta kat sana and board the MRT to Muzium Negara. Muzium Negara? Yup! My last visit was when I was in primary school. Anak comel pulak tak pernah pergi! Off to an adventure! Sebenarnya nak tunjuk yang akak korang ni dah kena pakai spec 😎.  40 minutes later we arrived at Muzium Negara. Kejap je. Sangat retro floor tiles tangga Muzium Negara ni. I rasa sekarang ni baru boleh appreciate experience pergi Muzium Negara. Sebab dah tau sejarah negara kan. Surprisingly, anak co...

Going Ons

To date I've completed 133 CVL pouches. At first, I thought of stopping. Cukuplah kan. Then I remembered that I have to update my friend Yatt that the batik she wanted to make palazzo pants has been sold to someone else. Sebab dia lambat sangat confirm. She then chose 2 other available batiks dengan ucapan - "aku bayar terus nanti orang lain ambik!" 😂. I then asked whether she's interested to contribute to my project and she willingly sponsored 10. Alang-alang, I asked another friend and now I have about 50 to go! Alhamdulillah. Such generous friends. Semoga semua yang contribute to my project dipermudahkan segala urusan, diberi kesihatan yang baik, panjang umur, murah rezeki dan selamat dunia akhirat. Aminnn... So I bought another cute cotton material for the project. That brown polka dots tu ialah kain untuk buat sarung cushion. Very nice material. Entah bila agaknya boleh jahit! I actually planned to take anak comel for an adventure this week. But she was ...

These Days

I'm making much progress with the CVL pouches. Walaupun ada hari tak sentuh langsung sewing machine, ada hari terus buat banyak! Latest count today - 101. Alhamdulillah. Tengah usaha nak siapkan contribution from 2 generous people. Target is still 150. Dah reach 120 nanti nak open semula.  I love making these... Kain terbaru. Lunch dengan anak comel di KFC Nilai 1 tadi, lepas tu ke kedai kain Jelita yang penuh dengan kain cotton. Heaven tempat tu 😍!  I have this stash of kain batik lepas that I offer to be made into palazzo pants. Sambil-sambil tu, I letak saja di eBay - sell as it is. Two days ago someone bought one! Yeayyy... Walaupun tak banyak dapat sebab I letak shipping fee ngam-ngam saja, it's nice to sell something on eBay. My last sale was last year - lunch bag. Best sebab dapat payment in USD 😊. Inilah kainnya... Pergi Florida kau! My Samsung steps challenge for April is going well. Hari ni dapat first star. Pelik sikit bulan ni. Rasanya macam d...

More of Nothing Much

I'm still doing the little pouches. On Saturday, I found some nice materials at Daiso IOI City Mall. Sebelum ni memang ada pre-cut cotton materials tapi tak banyak. Kali ni quite a range of materials they have. Bukan cotton saja. However, the cotton materials at Komonoya juga yang comel. I bought 2 of these marine theme cotton materials.  Comel lah juga bila dah jadi 😍  At the last count I have completed 90 little pouches. I don't know if you remember this little bag. I always have this little tote bag hanging at the bookshelf by my working table. This is the very first item I sewed after I bought my sewing machine. Even though I spent hours studying how to sew via YouTube, the actual act of sewing is a totally different experience. I ended up with this funny and clumsy looking bag, full of frays and loose threads, which I am so proud of till now. Alhamdulillah, from this bag, I now could sew quite a number of stuff. Ehem! OK lah kan...  I'm now using...