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It's Completed!

We visited our partner - Code's - new office in Oval Damansara yesterday to finalise our iBook. Alhamdulillah, it is finally completed. So totally completed. Now just waiting for them to create account and upload it for us. After that last correction/change was done on screen, and we browse through the iBook one final time, this heavy burden I've been carrying on my shoulders for the past 1.5 years suddenly just disappeared. Such a relief. And such a joyous feeling.

We also finalised the book version. So, we'll have 2 products at the same time - the iBook and the actual book. With about 3 weeks to go before the launch, things look quite smooth. Insyaallah...

One good thing about meeting our partner is - they are a bunch of energetic and optimistic young chaps. I have done the outline of the next book, but I have put it aside for now. Belum allocate masa untuk ponder, think and strategise the next steps. The huge hindrance is of course funding. But these guys actually ask - so, when's the next book coming up?, akak kena tulis buku nombor 2, dalam back cover ni dah janji ni, etc... Semangat yang dah simpan jauh dalam laci terus keluar balik :). Insyaallah...
