Aliyah and I watched the final Hobbit today. On the first day. As always. And as I was typing this, my heart is filled with great sorrow. That's when you know you've watched a great movie.
Both of us almost forgot about today. How could we? The 18th of Dec is the D-Day which we have anticipated eagerly for the past months. But then, things have been quite hectic around here, and the date totally slipped our minds. Yesterday Linda came in and mentioned that The Night of the Museum will be on 25th. And I then wondered when The Hobbit will be. Aliyah's eyes suddenly went wide and she said, "18th!". Hubby couldn't join us but bought us the tickets. So, there we were, mother and daughter, kiasu I must say!
It's such a sad story. Three of the dwarves died. The last 15 minutes just broke our hearts. I had tears running down my cheek. Aliyah said she cried a little and complained - The Lord of the Rings tak ada yang mati pun! Quite true. For such a thick book, LOTR gave us a heavy heart at the end. But The Hobbit, a book the size of 1/10 of LOTR had our favourite characters dead and other characters suffering.
A great story has been told. And it's had an impact to our hearts. All through the movie, all I could think was - if only the great leaders of the world can sit together to watch it, I think it can make them realise that war is just not worth it. We all die in the end. Why be cruel or arrogant or even selfish.
Aliyah said she's also sad because there won't be anymore LOTR/Hobbit movies to look forward to anymore! Very true. Anyway, it's been a great journey. A long, winding but beautiful journey. Farewell Middle Earth...