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Ramadhan Ending

It 24th Ramadhan. Time flies. Cepat sangat masa berlalu. The office is quiet. Aliyah ponteng today. Linda has started her Raya leave. As for me, I have started writing work for mysa. Little did I know that writing for kids would be so difficult. I was stuck with the first paragraph for 2 days - writing, deleting, rewriting... Yesterday I graduated to half a page.

Last year's Ramadhan was better than this year - in many, many ways. Last year, I was much calmer, happier, even though I was broke. This year, I am jittery, depressed, and still broke. I so wish to break this unhappy barrier. Every time the depression hits, I think of the little bird that perched still on the same tree branch day after day. There must be a good reason why the little bird doesn't fly away. I should be friends with that little bird and share our stories.
