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Insyaallah Ada Yang Lebih Baik

The past 2 weeks saw us planning for a new venture. As always, financial constraint is the barrier. Proceeds from the sale of our Puchong house is still in progress. (Dah nak masuk setahun dah ni!). So, we couldn't proceed with the plan. After discussions, alhamdulillah dapat financier. Tapi dah tak ada rezeki, the place we've been eyeing terlepas ke tangan orang lain. Lewat 2-3 jam saja.

Terduduk la juga actually. Mood sour throughout the day. Tapi, my SIL Kak Ros kata - doalah semoga datang yang lebih baik. Insyaallah... The new venture tetap menjadi cita-cita. Just now found another place less than 1 km our office. Looks much better, better prospects, slightly higher rental. Kena fikir masak-masak dulu. Insyaallah... kena buat istiharah. If this goes through, we plan to focus only these two - the new venture and mysa. That's it. Semoga Allah permudahkan dan perkenankan. Dan semoga rezeki kami di situ.
