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Finished Reading LOTR!

Finally! I finished reading the book last week. I started it last year end of July. Gosh. That was long. But I was determined. The English-speaking world is divided into 2 - those who have read Tolkien, and those who will read Tolkien. I was an English major, I had to read the book. Even if it's for my own personal satisfaction. If Zameen a friend of ours yang gila2 tu boleh baca banyak kali, takkan I tak boleh habiskan. I deserve a certificate for sheer perseverance and determination.

Review? Tak payah lah kan. The book is obviously better than the movie. But too draggy.

I'm now moving to The Rule of Four. Aziph recommended it long time ago. It is said to be inferior to The Da Vinci Code. Let's see...
