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Tipah Gone

Have been busy with this project that at first looked simple and fast enough but then got dragged. Dah agak dah actually. Sometimes I wonder why people can't use their common sense. You actually don't need professional certificate in project management to plan a project successfully. Use common sense. Example ya: we got this copy & paste job for an LMS project. I asked for guidelines (standards) ie font style, size, etc. The basics. They say will give. But in the end, they didn't give - but need the work completed within very short of time. So, they got everybody (including us - we got 4 books to copy & paste) to do the work. Bila dah submit mula lah - this heading should be this size la, this section should not be an image la, etc. Ko dah tengok dekat 20+ outcomes baru nak realise everybody did things differently?

Here's what they should do if they use common sense - complete one book, submit to client. Bila client dah satisfied and sign off, then only get everybody to do the work following the approved standard. So, when they get the outcomes from everybody, they will get more or less stuff which adhered to the approved work. Simple tak? Simple kan... Tu lah dia - Common sense is not common.

Anyway, Tipah dah tak da! I have been busy, laundry pun dok hantar kedai dobi (musim hujan la!). So, dah jarang bukak pintu belakang. A few days ago noticed Tipah tak ada kat belakang. The next day, pun tak ada. It's been a week now. So, I have a feeling that she's no longer around as in "dead". Unless she found people that fed her delicious food la. Yang ada - brother cat yang Aliyah dah bagi nickname - "Abu". She saw Aladdin on Disney channel - Aladdin's monkey is called "Aboo". So, she called the cat Abu, and brother cat looked back. Ok la tu.


Anonymous said…
Some people do have common sense but which is nonsense :)