Ramadhan is ending, fast. Sedihnya. I love Ramadhan, but not Hari Raya. Sebab dah jadi macam routine bosan - the usuals every year.
My little family will be going back to Melaka tomorrow morning. It's hubby's turn this year. We'll be coming back to my parents' place 2nd day of Hari Raya. So, Friday will be masak-masak till late evening. Penat weh...
Anyway, I nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to everybody who reads this blog. Maaf zahir batin. Kalau ada terkasar bahasa or terkecil hati with my ramblings, minta maaf ya. And please, please drive safely and observe the speed limit unless you want to part with your pre-prepared duit raya. Saman mahal woo...
My little family will be going back to Melaka tomorrow morning. It's hubby's turn this year. We'll be coming back to my parents' place 2nd day of Hari Raya. So, Friday will be masak-masak till late evening. Penat weh...
Anyway, I nak ucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to everybody who reads this blog. Maaf zahir batin. Kalau ada terkasar bahasa or terkecil hati with my ramblings, minta maaf ya. And please, please drive safely and observe the speed limit unless you want to part with your pre-prepared duit raya. Saman mahal woo...