I'm sure those with kids have completed their Raya preparations. So have we. Tapi I tengah sebak sekarang. I got an email of Adik Nurin's post mortem photos. Memang tak nak tengok, memang rasa nak delete terus. But then I opened it with niat nak jadikan pengajaran, jangan sampai lupa atau terleka.
Sebak dada, mengalir air mata tengok gambar-gambar tu. Ya Allah, tergamak hati orang yang seksa dia buat macam tu? At one point I could almost see similar features of my own daughter.
Jangan lupa kan Adik Nurin dan ramai lagi yang kids yang became victim to such abuse. Doakan semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat. Doakan agar the beasts will be caught soon. Jadikan kisah mereka pengajaran pada kita semua.
Last night we went for dinner at Pizza Hut after berbuka. On the way back, I sat at the back with Aliyah in case dia tertidur as she's not been so well. We sat side by side fastening the seat belt, both if us having lozenges in our mouths (dua-dua sakit tekak) when she turned to me and said, "Mommy, you are my best friend!". I'm touched she considered me her best friend (for now!).
Sebak dada, mengalir air mata tengok gambar-gambar tu. Ya Allah, tergamak hati orang yang seksa dia buat macam tu? At one point I could almost see similar features of my own daughter.
Jangan lupa kan Adik Nurin dan ramai lagi yang kids yang became victim to such abuse. Doakan semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmat. Doakan agar the beasts will be caught soon. Jadikan kisah mereka pengajaran pada kita semua.
Last night we went for dinner at Pizza Hut after berbuka. On the way back, I sat at the back with Aliyah in case dia tertidur as she's not been so well. We sat side by side fastening the seat belt, both if us having lozenges in our mouths (dua-dua sakit tekak) when she turned to me and said, "Mommy, you are my best friend!". I'm touched she considered me her best friend (for now!).