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Sarah Missed School for 3 Days

We went back to Melaka during the weekend for my sister-in-law's engagement. Sarah played with her cousins (more like her niece and nephews actually!) and seeing how she ran non-stop all day long, I knew she would be in trouble soon. So on Monday morning, I decided to let her take the day off from school as she looked so tired and couldn't even open her eyes. And good thing she didn't go to school because by 10am she was already burning with fever. Took her to Dr Wong's clinic and she clocked a 39.7 temperature.

Tuesday - still burning with fever. Wednesday - let's give her another day off just to make sure. This morning, she vomitted after breakfast. I wanted her to stay home but she insisted to go to school. She's OK now.

It's been a long time since she fell ill I almost forget how it felt. And that is just a minor fever. I've been reading on the papers lately of bizzare incidents involving toddlers and children that made my heart bleed. A few days ago a 2 year old boy died apparently hit and pushed to the floor by his 4 year old brother. Then, a 19 month girl died after her father's lorry backed into her while she was playing. Then, there was a girl who grabbed a piping hot tea cup from the table and ended up spilling the water, scalding half of her body.

I get worried sick with all these news. Dear God, take care of my little angel...
