It's been busy, busy days on social media. First, PKP 2.0 was declared by the PM on Monday, and it starts today and ends on the 26th. If cases go down that is. For all we know, it might get extended. Secondly, just the day after, the King declared state of emergency in the country to curb the spread of Covid-19. So, status quo until August. Those (greedy) politicians can stop dreaming of having an election very soon!
Last Saturday sempat ke Bukit Beruntung visit my Abang Ben. It's been so, so long since we see each other. Anak comel selalu tanya - Pak Ben tak datang minggu ni? Just nice jumpa before PKP started. Sambil jumpa, sambil dapat hadiah sebenarnya.
Since Monday orang bersesak-sesak beli barang stock up untuk PKP. I really don't understand these people. We've been through this before. Wakil keluarga boleh saja keluar beli barang. In fact, this time around boleh keluar 2 orang. Apa masalahnya sampai huru-hara supermarkets dibuatnya? Walaupun perlu beli barang, we didn't go out to join the madness.
Tomorrow morning I need to get my meds at Hospital Serdang. It's 26kms away. Out of the 10kms radius allowed. Insyaallah kalau terjumpa roadblock semoga dipermudahkan.
Let's see... last Friday was Ies' birthday. Kali ni planning surprise yang agak mudah. Sebab dia order lasagna dengan Jay untuk buat makan-makan kat office dia. So, masterminded by Jay, we gave her something she loves to eat - pulut kuning.
Musim PKP ni insyaallah nak finish up my sewing project. Punyalah slow progress. Apa I buat kat rumah ek?
Stay safe all of you. Semoga PKP ni berjaya mengurangkan jumlah kes yang tengah melambung-lambung banyaknya. Insyaallah. We can do this! Fighting!