It's already one week into the year 2021. So far... it's been chaotic. Number of Covid-19 cases is climbing by the day. Devastating floods in the East Coast is worsening. Meanwhile, politicians are busy planning for PRU15 when the rakyat couldn't care less about them. The only consolation for me at the moment is the nice cool weather we are having everyday.
After almost a year of not going out much, I finally joined the usual achik-achik for a very short getaway. We went to Fraser's Hill on Friday and came back on Saturday. On Sunday, landslides blocked the roads going up and down the hill. Alhamdulillah by then all of us are safely back home. The weather was damp and cool as usual but it just drizzled a bit while we were up there. We were very lucky! On Sunday it rained real bad (everywhere) that led to the landslides.
I think I appreciate Fraser's Hill better this time around. Yes, there's nothing much there. But taking long walks while taking in the amazing lush greeneries was just fantastic.
Oh, Ies brought her folding bike so we took turns to cycle around!
That origami bag I made the other day? I gave it to Ies. Tomorrow is her birthday.
I'm starting the new year with a bang - fitness wise. So far I've earned 2 stars for the Samsung Challenge. I try to exercise every day. So far missed 3 days - the 2 days I went to Fraser's and one day I came back late after taking anak comel to her eye appointment. Fighting!
Stay safe all of you. Follow SOP when you go out. Insyaallah. Stay out of crowded places. Wear your facemasks. Practise physical distancing. If you happen to be at a place where physical distancing is not practised, just walk away. Save yourself.