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MCO Day 30

Pejam, pejam, celik, pejam, pejam, celik dah 30 hari MCO. Allah... tak pernah terfikir akan cooped up macam ni kan? It really is a trying time for many. The normal things we do and take for granted are not normal anymore. The term the PM is using is the new normal. Things like not shaking hands, standing 1 meter apart, wearing masks... these will be the normal things we will do even when the MCO is lifted. I guess having nice meals at restaurants with family and friends won't be happening soon.

This movement restriction is finally messing up with my head. And I almost lost it last night. I really pray I'm able to calm myself down...

Now, I've finished making myself a new pair of batik pants. So I have started on the phone case I've been wanting to make. But things don't turn out right. I forgot attaching the front pocket. Then I had difficulty sewing the batting, which I think is not the suitable one. I just finished ironing the straps and it's spoilt, so I cut it to make a shorter strap. This is supposed to be a test project and things don't need to be perfect but I'm being my clumsy self.
 Esok lah sambung. Tengah huru-hara ni hancus nanti.
Alhamdulillah yang ni ok. Dah pakai pun. Rasa nak buat another one.

Anak comel started her classes on Monday. Kalau 8am class, I memang akan kejut dia awal make sure dia bangun. Takut overslept. Good thing 2 hari saja early morning class. Kat dapur pun dah siap ada cereal dan roti untuk breakfast. Lunch hour pun nak kena ikut time dia i.e. 12noon-2pm. So, she's spending her time attending classes in her room. 

Sempat lah juga dia membaking di dapur.
 Dia buat honey butter biscuit ala Texas Chicken. Ada barang tak cukup which was vinegar. Tapi rasa macam sama cuma texture tak sama. Ok la lepas rindu nak makan ni.
 Hari tu (entah hari apa... semalam kot!) I buat nasi impit, kuah lodeh dan sambal ikan bilis. Kebetulan jam 11pagi, Along hantar rendang ayam yang Atie masak. Terus cukup makanan Raya.
 Agak popular sambal ikan bilis kat rumah ni!

Fitness wise... 
Samsung turunkan steps challenge ke 100,000 sahaja. Setakat ni dah dapat 3 stars, nak masuk 4. Sehari dalam 3,500 dah cukup. Tapi masalahnya nak dapatkan 3,000 time macam sekarang ni payah sikit.
Ini BookDoc challenge by Agrain. For charity actually. Tapi I masuk yang free saja. 3 hari 3,000 steps. Ha eleh... I settlekan dalam masa 1 hari. Hehehe...
Ini pun dah settle. 14,000 steps. Dah double pun.

Lupa pulak. Anak comel and I finished watching Memories of the Alhambra 2 weeks ago. And her reaction at the end of the episode was - "Hah???". Hahaha... sama macam I. We are not watching anything together now that she has started her classes. I saja lah yang tengah tengok DOTS. Itupun tengok kat phone. Nowadays weather is so, so hot malas nak tengok TV kat bawah.

Stay safe all of you. And stay calm...
