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MCO Day 24

Hari ni PM announced that that the MCO is extended till 28 April. Kiranya masuk phase 3. No surprise. Expected sampai end of May, if not June. Stay home lah ya. Semoga satu hari nanti kita bebas untuk keluar semula. Dekat-dekat pun tak apa. I promise myself, bila MCO ni tamat I nak pergi jogging. Dan hiking. Dan masuk kelas fitness. Dulu asyik ponteng bagi macam-macam alasan.

Good thing about the MCO is that anak comel is spending her 3rd semester at home. It's a short semester. She's taking 3 subjects only. Two core subjects and one university subject. Everything online. Katanya, the university decided there will be no final exam. I guess dia kena rajin buat assignments dan quizzes. Alhamdulillah she did very well in her 2nd semester. Dia dapat result 3 hari lepas. And she was literally jumping up and down 😁. She deserves it. We could see that she worked really hard last semester. Semoga semester ni dia akan dapat buat lebih, lebih baik. Insyaallah.

Around the house these days...
Rumput dah panjang. Sama panjang dengan rambut Hubbs 😅
Pokok labu ni dah naik sikit. Yang tanam dulu habis kena makan siput. Yang ni pun sebenarnya tak tentu lagi akan hidup.

I finished sewing my friend, Yatt's palazzo. Tunggu dia bagi address nak pos. Fabric bookmarks I buat hari tu dah selamat dipos. Lupa pulak nak ambil gambar.

Now, food...
 Semalam Hubbs last puasa 4 days in a row. Untuk berbuka masak yang paling senang tapi paling sedap ni - udang goreng butter dengan daun kari dan cili api. Lagi 10 minutes nak berbuka baru masak.
 Malam tu anak comel rajin experiment buat burnt cheesecake. Nampak macam senang. Tapi dia tak nak burnt sangat. Tanned saja! The taste - very sedap!

For lunch today we tried ordering from Avenue Garden Hotel. Hehehe... saja nak makan hotel kan? Terjumpa advertisement kat FB. The verdict - quite sedap dan harga sangat berpatutan. Harga termasuk delivery. We patiently waited for about 40 minutes. OK lah kan.
 I ordered nasi with ikan patin tempoyak. Portion agak banyak. Siap ada tahu dan tempe goreng.
 Anak comel selera western memanjang. This is chicken cordon bleu with blackpepper sauce, potato wedges and veges. 
Hubbs pulak ordered nasi kerabu Mak Jemah namanya 😁. Lauknya ayam percik. 

Each meal comes with mango cordial drink. Puas hati macam boleh repeat ni!

Stay safe all of you 😍.
