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Showing posts from April, 2020

MCO Day 44

Hari ni dah 7 hari kita berpuasa. MCO pula dah masuk hari ke 44. Last week, PM announced that the MCO will be extended until 12 May. Masuk Fasa 4. Alhamdulillah, new positive Covid-19 cases dah semakin menurun. Sekarang tinggal 2 digit sehari. Minggu ni paling rendah 31 case sehari. Memang rasa nak lompat bintang! MCO pun dah mula dilonggarkan sikit. University students yang stranded sejak MCO started dah ada yang dapat balik. Dua hari lepas dah boleh keluar 2 orang dalam kenderaan. Maknanya, kalau nak pergi drive-thru McD, I boleh lah ikut Hubbs untuk pegang food 😅. Tapi, walaupun dah mula longgar ni, I masih lagi belum keluar dari kawasan rumah. One of these days should go out with anak comel untuk beli food. Speaking of food... Dalam seminggu ni a few times masak something yang nostalgia untuk Hubbs. Just before puasa I masak tepung tumis. The day before tu birthday arwah my MIL. Teringat dulu-dulu tepung tumis ni favourite semua anak menantu cucu-cucu dia. Actually sampai sekar...

MCO Day 36

It's day 36 already. Alhamdulillah, Covid-19 positive cases have drastically gone down. Daily, the DG of KKM akan buat press conference around 5pm. Selalunya I akan check IG atau FB. And I am not alone. I think the whole country akan tune in to get the latest numbers and news. However, even though the numbers have gone down, the battle is still on-going. Tapi, tu lah. Orang-orang yang ingkar MCO ni masih ada. Semakin ramai pulak tu. Yang bijak pandai ahli politik bagai pun buat perangai 😡. Minggu ni I dapat satu sale daripada Shopee - kain kemban. I dah jual 3 kain kemban ni actually. Very interesting. Tengah pikir nak cari kain lagi untuk buat lagi. I guna kain ni sebab ringan. Jadi dia cepat kering. Tak sangka ada orang minat 😄. Phone case yang I experiment buat tu akhirnya berjaya juga setelah menempuh beberapa halangan. Mulanya guna snap fastener. Tapi kain lembut tak sesuai rupanya. Lepas tu I buat this small strap untuk jahit lubang butang. Tapi entah kenapa tak j...

MCO Day 30

Pejam, pejam, celik, pejam, pejam, celik dah 30 hari MCO. Allah... tak pernah terfikir akan cooped up macam ni kan? It really is a trying time for many. The normal things we do and take for granted are not normal anymore. The term the PM is using is the new normal. Things like not shaking hands, standing 1 meter apart, wearing masks... these will be the normal things we will do even when the MCO is lifted. I guess having nice meals at restaurants with family and friends won't be happening soon. This movement restriction is finally messing up with my head. And I almost lost it last night. I really pray I'm able to calm myself down... Now, I've finished making myself a new pair of batik pants. So I have started on the phone case I've been wanting to make. But things don't turn out right. I forgot attaching the front pocket. Then I had difficulty sewing the batting, which I think is not the suitable one. I just finished ironing the straps and it's spoilt, so I ...

MCO Day 24

Hari ni PM announced that that the MCO is extended till 28 April. Kiranya masuk phase 3. No surprise. Expected sampai end of May, if not June. Stay home lah ya. Semoga satu hari nanti kita bebas untuk keluar semula. Dekat-dekat pun tak apa. I promise myself, bila MCO ni tamat I nak pergi jogging. Dan hiking. Dan masuk kelas fitness. Dulu asyik ponteng bagi macam-macam alasan. Good thing about the MCO is that anak comel is spending her 3rd semester at home. It's a short semester. She's taking 3 subjects only. Two core subjects and one university subject. Everything online. Katanya, the university decided there will be no final exam. I guess dia kena rajin buat assignments dan quizzes. Alhamdulillah she did very well in her 2nd semester. Dia dapat result 3 hari lepas. And she was literally jumping up and down 😁. She deserves it. We could see that she worked really hard last semester. Semoga semester ni dia akan dapat buat lebih, lebih baik. Insyaallah. Around the house these...

MCO Day 20

We are now in the second phase of the MCO. Kalau ikutkan tinggal lagi 8 hari. But I doubt it will end that soon. The whole world is in chaos. Paling-paling pun maybe sampai June. Itupun tak tentu lagi total freedom like before. I guess things will never be the same. Dugaan yang amat berat. Allah nak bagi peringatan kepada semua. Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami. I have started sewing again. Berjaya siapkan Yatt's first palazzo. Second one dah siap potong kain. Esok nak kasi overlock.  Cantik gak kain ni bila dah siap. Second one. Kain ni memang cantik.  Alang-alang dah potong kain, I ambik satu kain batik yang Jay beli kat Terengganu buat seluar sendiri. Nowadays tak sempat dah nak pusing satu cycle my house pants. Alhamdulillah I got an order for batik bookmarks from Carousell. Kain dah potong, tinggal nak jahit saja. Tunggu getah ni sebenarnya. Kedai jahit dan hardware semua tutup. Order juga online walaupun tak sure bila dapat. Alhamdulillah seller...