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Showing posts from January, 2020

Duduk Rumah Saja...

We just stayed home this CNY holidays. Memang tak ada plan ke mana pun. Disamping tak nak terjebak dalam traffic jam, sekarang tengah musim macam-macam virus. Better to stay home than be in places yang ramai orang. Those few times we went out to the malls pun I was being very cautious. Bukan apa, I ni sejak pernah kena batuk teruk berbulan-bulan a few years back, senang sangat nak kena batuk. Bila kena... Allah saja yang tahu bertapa seksanya 😖. My BIL Kili and SIL Siti have been bestowed with 2 latest additions to their family. Last week on the 21st. Two girls. Yup, twins! Alhamdulillah... So very comel. Have not visited yet. Tunggulah stable sikit in a few weeks' time. Let the family settle down first, especially the parents. Bukan senang nak handle 2 babies at the same time. The two bundles of joy! I completed the first batch of curtains I'm making for my charity project. Alhamdulillah... Sekarang nak mula potong kain untuk 2nd batch. Maybe esok. Rasanya kali ni ken...

Long Holidays

The long Chinese New Year holidays is here. OK la, tak lah long sangat tapi long enough to have anak comel back with us till next Tuesday. She's supposed to come back today after her 4pm class, tapi semalam tiba-tiba buat video call tengah jalan balik bilik bagitau class dia hari ni semua cancel. So, petang tu Mommy dan Abah dia pun pergilah jemput dia balik. Alhamdulillah the PLUS highway was at its best. Pergi-balik langsung tak jam. My sewing project is going on quite well. Cuma tinggal lagi 2 keping saja nak disiapkan untuk first batch.  In total akan ada 9 keping long curtains for windows, which can also be made into curtains for doors as well, or even room separators. Ada extra 4 keping which I made into half curtains, which can also serve as table cloths or whatever suitable. I made them very flexible.  Sebahagian daripada yang dah siap 💪 Semalam ke Nilai 3, kedai yang sama, untuk beli 10 meters kain baru. Ini bekalan untuk cuti panjang ni 😇. Kain ni pun san...

New Project

Setelah beberapa hari buat bookmarks, rasa bosan pun timbul. Time to move on to another project. Tapi dapatlah juga dalam 20++ bookmarks. Semua dah selamat letak kat Shopee dan Carousell. Manalah tau ada yang berminat nak beli kan? Meh singgah my Shopee shop - . Guna Shopee murah sikit delivery charges. So, my new project - insyaallah a charity work. Nama dah ada tapi nanti I buat poster dulu. Projectnya ialah buat simple curtain. New curtains. Project Hari Raya. My personal project. Ada potential untuk kembangkan jadi macam Project Baju Raya yang selalu collect Raya clothes every year tu tapi sebab ini first time, I buatlah sorang-sorang dulu. Nak study logistics and other related matters dulu. So, mula dari sekarang nak jahit dan kumpul. Maklumlah, I ni jahit slow-mo sikit. Minggu lepas ke Nilai 3 survey kain langsir dan harga. Nak target kedai mana dan kain yang macam mana untuk beli nanti. Pusing-pusing dekat 5-6 kedai, jumpa satu kedai ni ...

Past Week

Sedih sebenarnya nak update pasal the cats at our house. All are gone. Except the "old ones" - the mommy cat and the grandma. It started with Milo, then my sayang Koko and this morning the adorable Bobba. Lagi dua tidak dapat dikesan. We kind of share taking care of the cats with our neighbour depan. Bukanlah share apa, they like to go to our neighbour's house untuk main-main with their cucu and of course to eat. Sigh... memang tak nak bela kucing dah tapi yang ni kira jaga saja kasi makan. Itu pun sedih juga... 😭  Ini last gambar dia late December... I memang suka ginger cats. And last picture of these best friends together 😭😭😭 Farewell furry friends... This past week rajin buat fabric bookmarks. I ni bila ada mood buat something, memang akan buat itu saja sampai bosan. Nak kumpul a sizable number then nak letak for sale.  Mula-mula buat rasa remeh sikit tapi bila dah buat a few, laju saja! My stash so far... Last Saturday buat mini shell-...

Small Gathering

Semalam ada small gathering kat rumah Mas di Alam Impian. Memang agak impromptu. Tapi tak plan sangat tu pun, alhamdulillah, ada juga yang berjaya hadirkan diri. Dapat jumpa dengan kawan-kawan yang sangat-sangat lama tak jumpa. As usual, geng achik-achik akan selalu munculkan diri. Lagi-lagi nak celebrate birthday achik yang sudah tidak sebaya - Ies. Dia memang Kak Long kawasan. Birthday paling awal.  Dapat jumpa Faiz dan Ayu yang lama nau tak jumpa. Bawak anak comel sekali. Dia memang suka kalau pergi rumah Mas sebab boleh jumpa kucing-kucing comel 😻. Lagipun dia dengan anak Mas, Nani dah kawan.   Yang kiri tu Samsiah, kawan satu sekolah. Rasanya sejak habis Form 5 tak pernah jumpa. Memang berpeluk-pelukan lah! Mas buatkan Ies carrot cake. Member siap bawak sendiri menda happy birthday tu cucuk kat cake. Siap ada unicorn lagi!😁  Jay bawak shepard's pie bakar kat rumah Mas. Panas-panas keluar oven terus kena terkam. Sedaaappp! Penat Ies kontrol jeli...


Naik tahun baru ni mula rajin balik nak godek-godek mesin jahit. Walaupun kain yang dah dipotong untuk buat telekung tu masih lagi tersadai kat tepi katil, tengah rajin buat benda lain. Distraction namanya tu!  Dah siap 5 bookmarks dengan elastic band. Lepas ni nak gunting lagi kain perca cotton. Yang kanan tu test buat bookmark guna perca kain batik ikut creativity sendiri. Alhamdulillah jadi. Jahit biasa , lepas tu punch hole, gunting keliling guna gunting zigzag, finally letak tali jut. Macam exotic gitu. Baru je ni lepas keluarkan perca kain batik pulak. Nak clearkan kotak yang dah ada 4 ni! Pagi tadi terserempak dengan Anor, my sambal Che Nor stokist, kat Pos Laju. Tengah nak pos tote bag yang ada orang beli tu. Dia tengok tote bag terus cakap nak mintak buatkan untuk anak dia bawak pergi sekolah. Alhamdulillah... Another rezeki minggu ni ialah wang tak dituntut. I memang dah lama nak pergi check. Tahu memang ada sebab pernah dapat cheque tapi tak boleh nak cashkan...

Welcome 2020

It's already the 5th day of the new year. Hope it's still not too late to wish all of you Happy New Year. The last day of 2019 was a bit on the gloomy side for me. A lot has happened in 2019. Most notably - I lost 2 important people in my life - my sister-in-law Kak Ros and my mother. And they will always, always be in my thoughts. Yesterday, the 4th of January was the 5th year that my father passed. I can still recall accompanying my father to be warded at Hospital Serdang at midnight of 31 December 2015, walking with the nurse who's pushing his gurney, while the sounds of fireworks from Putrajaya blasted from afar. New year's eve has never been the same for me since then. 2019 was also the year that our daughter has "officially" grown up. She finished school, spent the first quarter of the year practically with me like a shadow, then got her SPM results and now pursuing her diploma in MMU Melaka. For the first time in her life, she actually left home and...