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Kitties in the House

Sebenarnya dah tak bela kucing kat rumah ni. Lepas my beloved Kiki hilang, memang dah tak bela anymore dalam rumah. Yang ada 2 ekor - Boboi Blur dan Eecah tu biar di luar saja. Lagipun anak comel ada eczema. So we just feed the cats outside. As a result, other cats started to come over to eat. Silih berganti. Ada yang datang kadang-kadang, ada yang datang hari-hari, ada yang datang dan demand nak makan macam Mok. Eeecah and Boboi are gone. Mok suddenly stopped coming. Since I don't see him anymore around this area, I assume he's gone too. Yang regular ialah this small family of cats - Mommy cat with her 2 kids. Bukan kitten dah sebab dah besar. 

The mommy cat has this peculiar habit after giving birth - letak anak atas siling dapur. The first time tu yang we rescued after being left on the roof for 3 days. We named it Siti but it died within the week. Second time mommy cat tu buat hal, one kitten died on our ceiling. That was the reason we have this hole at our kitchen ceiling. Hubbs had to saw off this small portion to remove the body.

Last month we heard kitten sounds from the roof but after a few days no more. Rasanya mommy cat tu dah alihkan anak dia. Hopefully. Tak ada pulak any unpleasant smell. Alhamdulillah. 

Now, one of the mommy cat's kids tu, a black female, gave birth in our old cat litter box at the back on Tuesday. Memandangkan cuaca kejap panas kejap hujan, dan we believe this habit of alihkan anak atas siling runs in the family, Hubbs and I decided to put the lot in a cage. At least until the kittens are big and heavy enough not to be carried up to the roof by their mother. Itulah, anak pergi college, jaga anak kucing pulak 😅! 

There are 5 altogether - 4 ginger and 1 black.
Day 2 - 3/7/19. Macam tau-tau je I suka ginger cats.
Day 3 - 4/7/19
Day 4 - 5/7/19
 Day 5 - 6/7/19. Kejap je dah gemuk!
Day 6 - today.
