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Showing posts from July, 2019

Boring Weekend

Anak comel didn't come back last weekend. Dia nak try stay di hostel over the weekend katanya. Lagipun mid-term exam is coming. I was like... anak aku bukan baru masuk ke, dah ada exam? Tu lah, course dia agak packed. Especially that, if all goes well, she will finish her diploma in only 2 years. Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan anak comel. Tapi sempat dia merayap ke Aeon Bdr Melaka dengan kawan-kawan. OKlah tu. Dah besar pun. Since Friday dan next Wednesday dia ada paper, I dah suruh dia stay hostel saja minggu ni. Hopefully dia study dengan group dia. Kalau situasi mengizinkan, insyaallah we'll go visit her this weekend. Sementara itu, Mommy dan Abah dia duduk mereput saja di rumah 😅. Hubbs has that translation work to finalize. I pulak tak berapa sihat these few days. My hormones have gone haywire I guess. Kena hadap saja lah. Meanwhile, I bought 2 sets of kain batik to replenish my stash. Dapat jual 2, kena lah beli kain baru. Nampak sangat cantik... This loo...

Syukur for Such Good Investment

My sewing machine has proven to be such an excellent investment. I started with Brothers machine which I later sold to my niece, Atie. (She has since started making custom make bed sheets.) I then upgraded a little bit to Singer Confidence which I bought used from my second sister. I keep track of every single item I bought which I use for my sewing projects. Even buttons and threads. Alhamdulillah, last April I broke even and since then have started to make profit. Not much yet, still... Anyway, I completed the two palazzos ordered by fellow CBF.  Completed this palazzo pants for Coach Aqish. Looks quite nice bila dah jadi.  Another one for Rahani. Lipat cantik-cantik, sekali dengan free gift - bookmarks. Now tengah tak ada kerja. Semoga adalah orders baru masuk. Meantime, Hubbs order one pants untuk dia pakai around the house. Alang-alang nak potong kain, maybe I can make myself one pair of palazzo. Kena gali my stash of materials dalam box! Dah lama Hu...

Of Seriously Nothing Much

Seriously nothing much these few days. Good thing we have the kittens. There were nights when we both just sit in front of the cage and watch the kittens. Those tiny creatures surely can occupy your time! The kittens have really grown. This was yesterday, the 17th day.  Hubbs and I went to watch The Lion King yesterday. Kawan tengok wayang dah masuk college, nasib baik ada kawan lagi satu 😅. Our verdict - awesome! Maybe kurang sikit emotion compared to the cartoon version but the CGI is really life-like. Pelik juga cartoon version lagi beremosi compared to this one. But still - seriously good. And Simba is so so cute. Rasa nak gigit telinga dia 😆! Semalam juga dapat order palazzo daripada kawan-kawan CBF. Mula-mula Coach Aqish tanya batik yang available. Lepas tu Rahani pulak interested nak order. Alhamdulillah, weekend ni ada kerja 😊.  Aqish ordered batik yang Mas belikan kat Langkawi. Kain cantik ni Rahani order. Sebenarnya teringin juga nak buat pants...

Up Bukit Melati

Bulan ni dah mula masuk kelas CBF. Minggu pertama attendance sangat bagus. Minggu lepas tak pergi langsung. Sakit belakang. Minggu ni dan seterusnya, biiznillah semoga rajin. Kat kelas semalam, fellow CBF Rahani ajak naik Bukit Melati. Memandangkan dah lama sangat tak pergi hiking, OK kan saja. Kasut hiking dah lama tak pakai. Risau juga kot tengah pakai tercabut tapak ke apa. Alhamdulillah... masih teguh 💪. Kami pergi berdua saja. Sebenarnya panjat Bukit Melati ni main redah saja. I've been there once. Rahani pun sama. Target nak naik dalam 2-3 puncak. Bila sampai dalam 8.20 pagi, punya banyak kereta park kat tepi jalan. Macam weekend pulak. Apparently, ramai yang umur otai-otai ni rajin naik Bukit Melati. We both ended up naik Centipede, Monkey and Cobra. Lepas Cobra nak turun dah. Tapi satu brother ni orang panggil Wak ajak ikut naik Mosquito pulak. Dia kata, alah dah nak sampai ni kasi naik lagi satu baru puas hati. Jadinya kita orang pun ikut dia dan satu kakak ni yang da...

Kitties in the House 2

Now is the 2nd week that we have this bunch of kittens at home. Routine harian - keluarkan Mommy cat a few times a day untuk dia makan, minum dan do her business. By now the cat has gotten used to the routine that we set, and to us as well. Dah pandai panggil bila dia nak masuk cage, dah pandai balik bila kita orang panggil dia, dan bila usik-usik anak dia, dia tak kisah sangat. Day 7 - 8/7/19. Yang hitam tu memang selalu tak nampak! Day 8 - 9/7/19. Setakat ni mommy cat memang rajin kasi susu. Sampai kurus kering dia! But the kittens... bulat. Day 9 - 10/7/19. Kesian... banyak masalah ya dik? Day 10 - 10/7/19. Today 2 ekor dah bukak mata! Day 11 - 12/7/19. Semua dah bukak mata tapi sepet-sepet lagi. Day 12 - today. This one agak manja.

This Past Week

Things are as usual around the house for the two of us. By now, we have accustomed ourselves to not having anak comel around. Alhamdulillah the dreaded empty-nest syndrome is not severe 😅. Mainly because anak comel is always in contact with us in our small WA group. Kadang-kadang she would call me before she goes to sleep. This weekend she's back again. Main reason - ajak tengok wayang cerita Spiderman! Jadinya, tadi pagi we went to watch. Just when I thought Avengers Endgame would be the last Marvel movie for me, ada lagi rupanya! Anyway, backtrack a bit. I went for girls outing with Mas and Jay on Monday. Agenda utama - nak dapatkan kain batik dan chocolates daripada Mas. Dia holiday ke Langkawi 2 minggu lepas, sempatlah mengirim. Dan berdiskusi sikit-sikit pasal trip bulan November dengan Jay. I ni memang bukan orang yang prepare in advance. Agaknya lagi 2 minggu nak pergi baru nak pikir. Jay pulak jenis ready awal. Dia dah start monitor currency exchange. Sempat pergi tukar ...

Kitties in the House

Sebenarnya dah tak bela kucing kat rumah ni. Lepas my beloved Kiki hilang, memang dah tak bela anymore dalam rumah. Yang ada 2 ekor - Boboi Blur dan Eecah tu biar di luar saja. Lagipun anak comel ada eczema. So we just feed the cats outside. As a result, other cats started to come over to eat. Silih berganti. Ada yang datang kadang-kadang, ada yang datang hari-hari, ada yang datang dan demand nak makan macam Mok. Eeecah and Boboi are gone. Mok suddenly stopped coming. Since I don't see him anymore around this area, I assume he's gone too. Yang regular ialah this small family of cats - Mommy cat with her 2 kids. Bukan kitten dah sebab dah besar.  The mommy cat has this peculiar habit after giving birth - letak anak atas siling dapur. The first time tu yang we rescued after being left on the roof for 3 days. We named it Siti but it died within the week. Second time mommy cat tu buat hal, one kitten died on our ceiling. That was the reason we have this hole at our kitchen ceili...

Normal Weekend

Anak comel is back for the weekend. Alhamdulillah. I guess this is how our weekend is going to be for the next 2 years at least 😆. Unless she decided to stay, or go out with friends, or has campus activities... Selagi dia nak balik rumah insyaallah we'll fetch her. This time around dia balik awal. Her Friday class ended at 9am. Next class buat online. Afternoon class cancelled. Jadinya, 9.15am parents dia dah terpacak kat bawah! Lepas tu terus breakfast at one of the mamaks around, and straight back home. She said she has kind of adjusted to life on campus. Dah kurang sikit homesick. Alhamdulillah she said she's blessed to have good roommate and friends. Itulah yang I dok doa selalu. Bila balik dan makan sama-sama she remarked - "Baru dapat proper meal!". Allah... sedih pulak. Dia memang berjimat-cermat. Allowance money, disamping for food, nak kena guna untuk photostate materials, laundry, etc. She's really careful with her spending. I told her - Mommy memang ...

Kena Biasakan Diri...

Anak comel came back for the weekend. We fetched her on Friday night and sent her back on Sunday night. We are now trying to make sense of the traffic condition to see when is the best time for this fetching and sending back activity. On Friday, the traffic at PLUS highway towards south was OK up till Ayer Keroh exit. Just this short stretch of traffic jam at the toll plaza. Our way back was also smooth. However, yesterday was a totally different story. While the way south was OK, we can see on the right that the traffic going north was really congested. After sending anak comel off, we went back at around 9.30pm - as Hubbs like it - ikut jalan dalam. Which was a good decision as the traffic jam went on till past midnight. So we traveled to Masjid Tanah, then towards Port Dickson, then into LEKAS and exited at Pajam towards Nilai. Took us bit more than 2 hours! Tak apalah kan... anak comel punya pasal 😍. Her room is somewhere on the left at 12th floor. Anak comel was OK during...