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We went to watch it yesterday. After Aliyah came back from school.

Expectation terlalu tinggi mungkin. Sebab benchmarked against Upin & Ipin movie. Personally, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I actually suka gak series cerita tu. To me, Cikgu Kebenaran memang serious kelakar. Tapi movienya... adalah kelakar jugak. Maybe too long? Or maybe it's just not my type of movie. It was too fast, not much storyline. But Aliyah enjoyed it. Dia kata best. So, best la kot.

But one thing that we both agree was - the part when the Bunkface song came out was kind of weird. It fell flat. I talked to Aliyah on the way back from her tuition class last night and when I mentioned that part, she actually agreed. Wah, pandai anak aku buat movie review! Sebab masa part tu ada banyak dialogue. There were a lot of stuff going on, and the characters were talking. But the song drowned the conversation and that "feeling" you know should come just didn't. However, the last part during the final fight, when that song came out again but only the music - that was the time the whole song should come out. Aliyah kata masa tu patutnya ada lagu tu! Kalau masa tu, then the triumphant feeling yang selalu ada pada movie Hollywood (or rather Ola Bola ada saat-saat tu masa lagu Zee Avi) will just jab at your heart.

Anyway, I encourage you to watch. Bring your kids. You might like it. It was good. Seriously. Just didn't appeal much to me. I got a headache right after the movie. But it was worth every sen of the ticket price. Nice job Animosta.

Aliyah and I are both Bunkface fans. I think that's one of the reasons for watching it :). This song is awesome!
