Time flies. Aliyah will be 7 next Monday - 19 October. I have already bought her an early birthday present last Friday during our little outing. This Mermaid Barbie doll yang tail dia boleh tukar colour bila rendam dalam air sejuk tu. Dunno la how many Barbies she has now.
My beloved daughter... I pray. May she grow up to be solehah, bijak, cerdik, hormat orang tua, berbudi-bahasa, diberi Allah kesihatan yang baik...
Her many faces...
Umur 11 hari...
One month plus... Masa ni macam Jepun...
One year 8 months... Rambut dah start curly...
2 years plus. Very naughty.
Around 3 years old kot... Lupa lah... Abah dia dah start bawak pegi driving range.
4 years old... Sibuk nak menulis je.
5 years old. Dah pandai melawa.
6 years old... She's become the "boss kecik" at my office.
Latest photo just after Raya...
My beloved daughter... I pray. May she grow up to be solehah, bijak, cerdik, hormat orang tua, berbudi-bahasa, diberi Allah kesihatan yang baik...
Her many faces...

Love her so much...
how time flies, pejam celik dah 7 years old.
happy birthday to the girl who i assume the inspiration of your blog.
Pejam celik pejam celik lagi, dah nak kawin pulak! Waaa....
She's the inspiration for my blog and my life...