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Long Time No See

 It's been 2 months since my last update. I was really lazy to switch on my laptop. Of course a lot of stuff happened but nothing too significant lah. Anyway, I didn't get to wish you a happy new year on the 1st of January. So, Happy New Year 2023 peeps!

Let's see... Managed to meet up with the usual achik-achik a few times these past months. Mid-December we met at Ies's new place in Kajang. Actually just next door to her old apartment. We had shellout yang sangatlah satisfyingnya. A few days before Ies and Jay attended Mas's sister's wedding kat Tg Karang. Jadinya, diaorang pergi pasar dan beli seafood. Merasalah makan segala sotong, udang, mentarang, lala... Oyster pun ada tapi I tak reti lah nak makan yang raw tu!

Ada 2 talam shellout. Delicious!
Another old friend, Ieya, pun join sekali. Cantik betul rumah baru Ies. Masa tu dia orang kata I belum buat house warming lagi for my place. Betul jugak... 

Sometime in January, Mas and I met up at Jay's place. Dia tak sihat siap sesak nafas segala so we went to visit. By then dia dah ok, alhamdulillah. When your good friend got sick, memang berdebar-debar dan kelam-kabut betul rasa. Just 2 weeks prior, our old friend from our hostel days, Jaa, passed away due to thyroid cancer. Allah... it was so devastating. We were really close during our teenage days, even after she got married, we still saw each other. But then, as many friendships experience, over the years we started to see less and less of each other. It's been years since we last met. I tried my best to ziarah but couldn't make it. 

We met again at Mas's place after she and Ies came back from umrah. Dapatlah souvenir dari sana. Alhamdulillah. Insyaallah the 3 of us (except Mas) will be going for an adventure to Bandung just after Raya puasa. It will be our first "major adventure" after the pandemic. Sekarang tengah save up for the trip. Harap-harap boleh walaupun setakat ni macam susahnya lah!

Tema lunch hari tu Thai food. Mas masak semua ni. Punyalah sedap! I was not so well at that time, so singgah SDS belikan dia orang cranberry scones.
Just sharing this pic yang Ies hantar recently. I don't think I have this. Ni masa di Kemaman tengah tunggu food sampai sebelum tengok penyu bertelur. Allah... syukur dikurniakan dengan kawan-kawan yang baik.

Anak comel tengah final exam sekarang. Saturday ni last 2 papers, lepas tu dia cuti 3 minggu. Yeayy... got friend at home! Boleh lah pergi jalan-jalan dengan dia. Doakan anak comel berjaya ya. 

Other than that, life is as usual day in and day out. When Hubbs is at work, I sew whenever ada mood. Baru siapkan satu beg stuff to send over to Izzkin. Nak replenish stock. Tapi tak tau lah bila nak ke sana. 2-3 minggu ni dok masak sambal hijau. Mula-mula masak untuk makan sendiri, bagi my niece Wani sikit. Lepas tu dia order. Dah 2 kali ni. Semalam buat lebih sikit for my Abang Ben and my SIL. Fikir juga kalau jual ni memang OK sangat. Will see!

Sautee dulu sampai layu bahan-bahan ni semua.
Lepas masuk chopper, masak balik sampai pecah minyak dan garing sikit.
My niece sent this the other day. Dia makan my sambal dengan nasi bujang.
So today I tried. Not bad, not bad at all!

Health wise, I went for my final check-up at the new Unit Jantung, Hospital Serdang last month. I was given thumbs-up and officially discharged. Alhamdulillah. Cumanya doktor pesan, kalau jadi lagi SVT tu cepat-cepatlah ke emergency ya. Semoga kekal sihat insyaalllah.

Yang tulisan berpintal-pintal tu katanya "Discharged"
Hubbs spent all day waiting for me. Unit cardio baru tu memang sangat ramai orang. Memang almost one day waited to see the doctor that lasted only about 10 minutes. Syukurlah I don't have to go there anymore. Lepas tu we celebrated at IOI City Mall. Dinner kat Sopoong. Dan makan these wagyu sticks dekat Aeon yang baru bukak. Oh my... these wagyu beef were excellent!

Fitness wise... ke laut dah 2 bulan. Blame it on the weather yang tak berapa nak menentu ni. Elok-elok pagi ke tengahari cuaca baik, petang sikit terus hujan. Tapi kan, macam lah tak ada gym kat bawah ni kan?

One fine Sunday setelah lama tak jogging, I pergi lah ke tempat biasa. Baru dapat 3km tiba-tiba hujan lebat. Berlari cari gazebo. Boleh pulak laju laju! Bila reda sikit Hubbs datang fetch. Terus ke kedai Sup Dorai depan ni for dinner! Exercisenya sikit je, makannya...

Stay safe ya. Cases dah turun ni tapi masih ada. Be careful!
