Seriously, dah 2 tahun kita mereput kat rumah kan? And time sure flies when you are bored. Let's see... alhamdulillah things have really gotten better. In certain aspects like the number of Covid-19 cases and the number of vaccinated people. Well done! Hari ni tinggal lagi 1.6% before the number of vaccinated adults reached 90%. And that means very soon, kita dah boleh rentas negeri. Unless rakyat kena game lah! Insyaallah...
What I would do the moment we get to rentas negeri? I nak pergi rentas ke Aeon Nilai! Hahaha... tinggi betul cita-cita. Actually we need to go to MMU Melaka to retrieve anak comel's certificates. Dia dah complete diploma dah. Transcript, other certs semua dah dapat via Pos Laju tapi ada a few yang they missed out.
Her virtual declaration of diploma conferment was 2 weeks ago. There will be a real one but don't know when.
Hubbs celebrated his birthday on the 30th. Sempat kidnap dia kejap pergi lunch kat luar. Letih la dok makan kat rumah saja kan?
For October, Hubbs masukkan anak comel and I dalam Strava challenge 88kms run in his old boys running club. Mula-mula agak cuak juga sebab I memang dah lama sangat tak jogging. Tapi bila dah start balik jadi ketagih pulak. Just like last time. Baru dapat dia punya feel semula. Lepas my SVT scare that landed me in the emergency room, I actually dah stop jogging. Lepas 6 bulan baru berani buat moderate exercise ikut YouTube. Itu pun selalu skip! Sekarang ni macam ada motivation nak achieve that 88kms. Setakat hari ni ikut Strava I dah buat 16kms. Jauh lagi tu! Hopefully I'll be healthy enough to jog again. Dulu-dulu masa fit I ran 5kms 3-4 times a week, plus Tuesdays and Thursdays pergi CBF class. Masa tu jeans pun longgar boleh tarik je turun tak payah bukak zip! Hehehe... Sekarang? Hmmm...
My little family sekarang tengah jatuh hati dengan K-drama Hometown Chachacha. Sabtu dan Ahad pukul 10mlm memang terpacak anak-beranak depan Netflix tengok episode baru. Feel good drama yang setakat ni tak ada dengki-dengki, gaduh-gaduh dan sebagainya. Dan cerita dia normal untuk orang kebanyakan macam kita-kita ni. Bukan cerita orang kaya Megah Holdings tu. Yang best episode last 2 weeks memang sebijik macam our little family. Hye-jin kupaskan ketam untuk Du-sik and said something like - prawns and crabs are hassle to eat but worth the effort because they taste good. And she said, it takes a lot of love for someone to do it for someone else (peeling the crabs). Anak comel and I memang suka makan ketam tapi we just don't know macam mana nak kupas. So, since forever, Hubbs yang akan kupas untuk kita orang 😍.
Stay safe ya. I know we have all started to live normally now that cases have gone down, but please wear your mask, avoid crowded places, and most importantly, get vaccinated. Kesian pada orang yang perlukan rawatan atas sebab penyakit lain, yang terpaksa tunggu lama untuk jumpa doktor pakar tau...