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Showing posts from October, 2021

Normal Days But Still With Strict SOPs

 Things have started to return to normal. By normal I mean the new normal. Alhamdulillah interstate traveling is now allowed. Seawal hari pertama boleh rentas negeri our little family dah merentas ke Nilai untuk dinner! Actually ada hal lain tapi ambil kesempatan. Rentas negeri masuk tol sebelah. Lama betul tak dine-in kat Sushi King. My anak comel celebrated her 20th birthday on 19 October. Tak sangka dah jejak digit 20an. She's a grown woman now. But she will always be our little girl.  Pagi surprisekan dia dengan this beautiful cake. I ordered rainbow cake with dream catcher deco. Comel betul cake ni. Ingatkan memang surprise lah rupanya anak comel dah tau. Accidently. Dia kata we were at McD drive thru ordering latte to go when she saw a message on my phone. It was from the baker that she ordered Hubbs and my cake from saying - TQ for payment. Aisehhh... But she didn't know what kind of cake we were getting her. OKla ada sikit element surprise! Then, lunch at her favourite...

Tiba-tiba Dah October

 Seriously, dah 2 tahun kita mereput kat rumah kan? And time sure flies when you are bored. Let's see... alhamdulillah things have really gotten better. In certain aspects like the number of Covid-19 cases and the number of vaccinated people. Well done! Hari ni tinggal lagi 1.6% before the number of vaccinated adults reached 90%. And that means very soon, kita dah boleh rentas negeri. Unless rakyat kena game lah! Insyaallah... What I would do the moment we get to rentas negeri? I nak pergi rentas ke Aeon Nilai! Hahaha... tinggi betul cita-cita. Actually we need to go to MMU Melaka to retrieve anak comel's certificates. Dia dah complete diploma dah. Transcript, other certs semua dah dapat via Pos Laju tapi ada a few yang they missed out. Her virtual declaration of diploma conferment was 2 weeks ago. There will be a real one but don't know when. Mommy dia dah terpacak depan screen nak tengok ceremony tepat pukul 10 pagi. Rupanya her Pak Ben pun sama 😊. At noon, anak comel da...