Things have gotten from bad to worst. We have all time highest number of cases and all time highest number of deaths just this past week. I just cannot comprehend this anymore. We have stayed home, being locked down to be precise, businesses are closed, borders are closed, no interstate travelling, not even inter district travelling. But still, this pandemic is getting out of control. We used to have 30-40 cases within 1km radius of our house. Today it's 94! It was 76 this morning. Crazy!
And the people who contacted the virus seem to be getting closer and closer. It used to be someone's neighbour or someone's friend. Now it is my neighbour and my friend. A few days ago, it claimed the life of a former colleague. She was our receptionist when I was working in ITP/NSTP. She was found dead at her home, all alone. I was down the whole day thinking about her and this scary situation in our country. It's like each of us is just waiting for our turn to come. Ya Allah, lindungilah kami semua daripada wabak kemusnahan ini...
My little family is staying home as much as we can. We even ordered groceries via FoodPanda. Once in a while terpaksa juga keluar tapi very minimal movements and contacts with people. It's not easy living like this. But I guess by now the three of us have accepted the fact that we have to live like this for quite some time. So, tolerance level is quite high among us. Alhamdulillah setakat ni we managed to live in harmony! Hahaha... Of course Hubbs dengan kerja dan meeting dia kat office bawah. I usually don't cook lunch because the noise might seep into his Zoom meetings. We usually order food from Grab or FoodPanda. I am usually in my room doing my sewing projects or whatever there is I always do such as watching k-dramas! Anak comel dalam bilik dia - sebulan lebih dia cuti semester ni nampaknya main game saja. Tak apa... But we always have meals together no matter what. That's the time boleh borak-borak. And watch something on Netflix at night together. It was Goblin for about 3 weeks. Sambil-sambil tu Hubbs and I layan Hospital Playlist 2 together.
There's a lot happening around the house but not so significant lah. These days I don't even know what day it is. Tau-tau je dah Khamis!
My sewing projects...
Alhamdulillah rezeki agak murah these past week. My face mask cover dapat a few orders via Shopee.
Dah 2 hari work on improving the design. Akhirnya berjaya juga lepas buat 4 testers. I found a way to make the ends not so terjungkit. Today bertungkus lumus siapkan 5 face mask covers. Sebenarnya boleh saja deliver yang buat sebelum ni tapi tak sedap pulak rasa hati. Nak bagi yang improved version. Lepas drop kat J&T melepet rasa! Penat weh sewing ni!
Tengah semangat waja nak buat stock baru guna batik.
Sempat buat 2 ni untuk my Abang Ben. Dah pos baru pikir - err... dia muat ke?
My gardening...
It's so, so hot nowadays. I tak ada tanam apa sangat. Tapi cherry tomatoes ni thriving pulak time panas-panas ni. So cute!
Banyak pulak pokok mangga ni berputik. Ni baru satu tangkai. Ada dekat 5-6 tangkai macam ni. Semoga menjadi semuanya. Insyaallah.
Last weekend Hubbs ke Pakcik Butcher beli sweet potato fries dan mozarella sticks. Bila balik ada pulak 2 slices of wagyu brisket. Waaahhh... Note there - brisket OK. Yang lain mahal gila. Part brisket ni yang affordable. Rasa sedap je!
Ni Hubbs yang masak. Pan fry dengan butter, letak bawang holland kasi dia caramalised. Tabur sikir corriander leaves. Masyaallah sedap betul. Ada lagi 1 slice dalam freezer ni...
My fitness activities...
Skechers putih I tu dah diserahkan kepada anak comel. Cannot lah. Size tak berapa betul. Ibu jari kaki kanan sakit pulak. Kiri OK je! Hubbs baik hati buat research untuk replace kasut tu. Finally he suggested this - Brooks Ghost 11. Sebab ni model 2 tahun lepas baru lah boleh beli. Kalau tak tu mau 6-7 ratus harga sepasang! Memang best lah kasut ni!

About 2 weeks ago Hubbs (cuba) plan dengan anak comel nak belikan I new smart watch for my birthday this year. How did I know? Besides them both making it so obvious that they were planning something, I actually got suggested advertisements on my IG. Hahaha... pelik betul. Melambak-lambak iklan smart watch keluar. Tapi bagus. IG nak bagitau yang laki kau tengah research benda ni ha! But never did I realise that they actually bought it 2 months earlier! Masyaallah... Hubbs kata sebab tengah ada diskaun! Anyway, that day lepas abam rider hantar, terus Hubbs bukak box, check lepas tu tunjuk anak comel, then went to our room bagi kat I. Strap tu purple sama colour dengan my phone! I so, so love this watch. Siap ada pulse oxygen reader. Tak payah beli yang tengah viral tu.
Stay safe all of you. The Delta variant is so scary. Please, please be careful at all times.