PKPB for Selangor is extended until 31 March. Whatever. Everything is still the same. Call it what you want. However, a few days ago our PM said that in the near future, movement restriction will be focused on locality and cluster. Now we are talking! Did someone just heard me grumble? Tapi kan, kalau restricted macam tu pun I think my area will still be affected. Sigh... Anak comel dah habis exam. Ingatkan nak pergi bercuti somewhere sebelum dia start semula class mid of next month, tapi banyak tempat penuh. Maklumlah, orang Selangor tak boleh keluar negeri. Lagipun tak lama lagi nak start puasa so orang ambik kesempatan bercuti dulu. Tengoklah kalau sempat. If not, macam biasalah anak comel ooiii... merayap sajalah dengan Mommy pergi cari makan. Minggu lepas dah start merayap sebenarnya. We tried Hanbing. Dah lama teringin nak makan sandwich ni lepas tengok cerita Hospital Playlist. Sedap! Antara tempat favourite untuk makan Korean food ialah Sopoong. Reasonably priced. And very...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.