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Good Night Mork

Robin Williams passed away yesterday. He hanged himself. And slit his wrist. Nobody would ever think that the funniest man on earth would do that. But he did. And now he's dead.

Honestly, I know what depression feels like. There was once some years ago that I got sucked into that abyss. At one time, I didn't even care if I died. Depression is like a black hole. You are in it and you feel really alone. You might see people around you but they are just empty faces. You wake up everyday wishing the world has ended.

But I have faith that I hold on to. A most beautiful religion. And a small little girl who touched my hand at my lowest moment, looked me in the eye and said, "Love you Mommy". I had help in the form of a beautiful daughter who had just lost her front tooth. And I slowly got back on my feet. It took years to heal, having to deal with it alone. But I'm still alive.

Robin Williams was not so lucky.
