This new project has started to gain its momentum. Yesterday we conducted a workshop to get requirement study. Hubby was the master facilitator. I know he can handle the group of Govt reps with his quirky jokes. And the feedback on the evaluation form - mostly I saw "very good" :). But it has been quite some time since I did a training - even though yesterday jadi facilitator utk one group je tapi penatnya... adooii...
Group 3 yg I handle ada rep yg sgt active with ideas & feedback. Would be good if can implement his ideas for the new portal. My only comment to him was - "If content ada Encik Zamri, memang boleh buat!!!".
The rest of the participants... My team led the whole workshop with Hubby at the helm and the rest of us handling 3 out of the 4 groups. Good start for us. Hopefully, by Dec when our contract ends, we have proven our value to the project and get our contract extended :)
