Two other birthdays celebrated end September and in October - Hubbs's and anak comel's. For Hubbs, he got his birthday present way early. I bought for him Skecher's sandals during the 9.9 sale (me and my crazy voucher claiming, game playing and coins collecting antics on Shopee because I'm always the one buying stuff for the house!) and made that his birthday present. Beli masa sale memang murah! And for his birthday celebration, we celebrated a week early because anak comel balik hostel. Since he's the one driving, we told him to drive to Alamanda because that's where we'll have his birthday lunch. That morning, anak comel and I sempat berlakon gaduh-gaduh sikit pasal tempat nak makan tu. Siap "ter-slip" bagitau yang nak pergi Nando's. So Hubbs dah cakap dia nak makan half chicken. On the way ke Nando's, depan Seoul Garden we dragged him in! The birthday lunch was at Seoul Garden. That really took him by surprise. Pandai anak comel and ...
It was Sarah for the first 5 years of her life then one fine day she decided to be called Aliyah instead. This is the story of Aliyah's mother, her family and her thoughts.