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Showing posts from September, 2021

It Was My Birthday! Last Monday...

 Alhamdulillah dipanjangkan usia sampai cecah 50 tahun. Niat dalam hati cuma nak tengok anak comel habis belajar dan dapat sara hidup sendiri. Bonus sungguh rasanya Allah panjangkan umur. Birthday tahun ni alhamdulillah murah rezeki dapat food delivery. Jenis tau-tau je ada bunyi tingtong ada abam tunggu kat pagar! Sampai semalam masih menghabiskan food birthday. Rentetan makanan yang sampai 😋 Mula-mula sampai ialah this surprise cake daripada Hubbs & anak comel. My favourite cake - pandan gula melaka. Masyallah punyalah sedap. Setanding dengan Gula Cakery punya. Untuk my birthday lunch, Hubbs ordered K Fry. I memang sucker for K Fry fried chickens. Wajib order ialah chicken bumbuk dan soonsal yang cecah mustard sauce tu. Tengah tunggu abam GrabFood datang tiba-tiba ada abam FoodPanda dok pinpinpin kat pagar. Alhamdulillah Ijul hantar 4Fingers fried chicken satu kotak untuk Ateh dia.  Dalam pukul 7 macam tu ada abam deliver caramel cake ni pulak. Masalahnya tak da info da...

Things Have Gotten Better

 Alhamdulillah. Things have started to get better. In Selangor that is. KKM said it's due to the high number of vaccination in the state. Dengan izin Allah vaccine works. Walaupun selalu sakit hati baca pasal anti-vaxxers ni, I must say I do respect their choice as human beings. However, the feeling should be mutual. They should respect us, pro-choice too. Or for a much better term - pro-evidence. As being vaccinated is a choice, both parties should accept the consequences. For anti-vaxxers, they must accept the fact that there are things they can't do, places they can't go, etc. I don't understand why they say they are being discriminated. To me, itu untuk keselamatan dia orang sendiri. You are not protected, so you shouldn't go around freely because you might get infected. You should stay home. And for us pro-evidence, kita akan jadi zombie tak lama lagi. Tadaaaa... 😜 I actually just finished a night jog. My very first jog ever since PKP started in 2019! Masuk Se...