Aliyah got a few of her exam results yesterday. As I have expected, her results were average - ranging from 78-68. She even got one C. I think she was a bit afraid to show us. After Hubby ran through her papers, she took her bicycle to go to her Pak Ngah's house. We sat at the patio watching her, and I saw this look on her face. She looked at us, I believe, with a bit a sadness or regret before she cycled away. Or perhaps she felt that way because she was surprised that we simply accepted her results as they are.
We didn't have much time to spare to really guide her before her exams. There were too much work to do, especially with me having that situation. She basically studied on her own. And not much. Between Hubby and me, we always would pledge that we will help her more, but then we always don't follow through. It is quite difficult nowadays.
For me personally, I think after all that I've been through, my daughter's average results is the least of my concerns. She's after all our only child. I just want her to enjoy her childhood. She can play, watch TV, read a little, study a little... That's what kids do. There are bigger issues in life to deal with. And having a sweet little girl as my daughter is one of the best things in my life.
I just hope we as parents don't succumb to "parents pressure".
We didn't have much time to spare to really guide her before her exams. There were too much work to do, especially with me having that situation. She basically studied on her own. And not much. Between Hubby and me, we always would pledge that we will help her more, but then we always don't follow through. It is quite difficult nowadays.
For me personally, I think after all that I've been through, my daughter's average results is the least of my concerns. She's after all our only child. I just want her to enjoy her childhood. She can play, watch TV, read a little, study a little... That's what kids do. There are bigger issues in life to deal with. And having a sweet little girl as my daughter is one of the best things in my life.
I just hope we as parents don't succumb to "parents pressure".