I cycled to work today. It's been such a long time because there were always excuses - had to fetch Aliyah, etc. Since Hubby is out to KL till Thursday, I had to cycle. Not that I'm complaining. I am proud to announce that for the first time, I did not stop - managed to cycle up and down the hills in the correct gears - and clocked 16mins. Last time was 20mins.
Anyway, cycling alone gives so much time to think about lots of things. As I climbed up and down the hills (with curses in between) I got these reflections and inspirations. So, my words of wisdom today: "being an entrepreneur is a lot like cycling". There are flat roads where you can change to gear 3/8 and speed, there are hills where you might need to go from 2/5 to even 1/3. And the climb? As you cycle to the mark at the top, you have mixed feelings of wanting to just pull over and this determination to conquer that mark. And when you have reached it, and speedily cycle down the hill trying to catch some breath, the victory may not last long. Depending on the route, there are more uphills to cycle or if you are lucky, you get flat roads and lalalala away.
Then, there are potholes and the likes you need to be careful of. Then, there are cars, lorries, buses and motorbikes, even pedestrians to be aware of. Cycling is a lot of work! So is being an entrepreneur. After reaching the office, I huffed and puffed carrying the bicycle up the 2 stories to the office, thinking why on earth did I do this if I can just call my father and ask him to send me to work. I would be lying if I say, oh, the reward is the good feeling you feel right after. Because nothing is good if you grasp for breath, gulp down water and feel an ache coming up your thighs.
But knowing that you conquered the obstacles is an accomplishment. Pushing yourself to the limits does feel good. Why don't you don your helmet and go for a ride?
Anyway, cycling alone gives so much time to think about lots of things. As I climbed up and down the hills (with curses in between) I got these reflections and inspirations. So, my words of wisdom today: "being an entrepreneur is a lot like cycling". There are flat roads where you can change to gear 3/8 and speed, there are hills where you might need to go from 2/5 to even 1/3. And the climb? As you cycle to the mark at the top, you have mixed feelings of wanting to just pull over and this determination to conquer that mark. And when you have reached it, and speedily cycle down the hill trying to catch some breath, the victory may not last long. Depending on the route, there are more uphills to cycle or if you are lucky, you get flat roads and lalalala away.
Then, there are potholes and the likes you need to be careful of. Then, there are cars, lorries, buses and motorbikes, even pedestrians to be aware of. Cycling is a lot of work! So is being an entrepreneur. After reaching the office, I huffed and puffed carrying the bicycle up the 2 stories to the office, thinking why on earth did I do this if I can just call my father and ask him to send me to work. I would be lying if I say, oh, the reward is the good feeling you feel right after. Because nothing is good if you grasp for breath, gulp down water and feel an ache coming up your thighs.
But knowing that you conquered the obstacles is an accomplishment. Pushing yourself to the limits does feel good. Why don't you don your helmet and go for a ride?