Things around were not so good last week that I didn't have the mood to write.
On a sad note - my Pak Long Jalal next door to my parents passed away last Friday afternoon. He has not been so well but was better these few weeks that he moved back to his own house. I have not seen him much lately actually. Well, I have not been visiting my parents for weeks until just recently. I will always remember him as a funny person in a funny sort of way. Not the "funny" funny, but "funny" you expect from an old relative. The person you would roll down your side window when you pass him by - just to say Hello and receive some pleasantries. The person you jokingly ask for money from whom would show his empty pockets and ask some back from you. That simple kind of funny. Now his house will be empty. No more seeing him sweeping the lawn or just taking a walk around or stopping by the house for a chat. Al-Fatihah.
One of my staff's mother is also not well. All of us are in shock. We pray for her recovery.
Finally, we just got to know that the funding we have been trying to get since end December has been approved. Not officially yet (because the officer was on leave - again?). Alhamdulillah... six months of waiting. And it's not a grant OK, it's a loan. What are these people doing actually? I seriously doubt they know what's going on at Ground Zero. Nowadays, whenever I read of Government initiatives to help SMEs, I would roll my eyes and said - yeah, right! A small loan takes 6 months to process while the people handling the funds take their own sweet time passing the forms from one person to another, requesting for documents that are already in the file (if they bother to look), taking numerous leaves (MCs and ELs) and God knows what else. So, tak payah la cakap banyak pasal nak tolong SMEs...
On a sad note - my Pak Long Jalal next door to my parents passed away last Friday afternoon. He has not been so well but was better these few weeks that he moved back to his own house. I have not seen him much lately actually. Well, I have not been visiting my parents for weeks until just recently. I will always remember him as a funny person in a funny sort of way. Not the "funny" funny, but "funny" you expect from an old relative. The person you would roll down your side window when you pass him by - just to say Hello and receive some pleasantries. The person you jokingly ask for money from whom would show his empty pockets and ask some back from you. That simple kind of funny. Now his house will be empty. No more seeing him sweeping the lawn or just taking a walk around or stopping by the house for a chat. Al-Fatihah.
One of my staff's mother is also not well. All of us are in shock. We pray for her recovery.
Finally, we just got to know that the funding we have been trying to get since end December has been approved. Not officially yet (because the officer was on leave - again?). Alhamdulillah... six months of waiting. And it's not a grant OK, it's a loan. What are these people doing actually? I seriously doubt they know what's going on at Ground Zero. Nowadays, whenever I read of Government initiatives to help SMEs, I would roll my eyes and said - yeah, right! A small loan takes 6 months to process while the people handling the funds take their own sweet time passing the forms from one person to another, requesting for documents that are already in the file (if they bother to look), taking numerous leaves (MCs and ELs) and God knows what else. So, tak payah la cakap banyak pasal nak tolong SMEs...