We had one iftar session with my siblings at my place on Saturday. Alhamdulillah, it was a good meet before everybody will "disperse" for Hari Raya. Food was abundant and delicious (nasi beryani Haji Tapah - assortment of kambing, daging and ayam goreng rempah) and cheap too! Even towkey Izzkin Spa - Ekin and Ejat - managed to be there. (Zurra dah pesan pada Ekin - cancel all customer appointments!).
Dicelah-celah nasi beryani, bubur biji nangka and cucur udang, terselit pancake specially made by Aliyah. I watched Jamie Oliver's Christmas special last year and took the simplest pancake recipe ever which Aliyah can make on her own without anybody's help. Siap dengan maple syrup sekali. Yummy, I must say.
Alhamdulillah my kitchen is quite big to accommodate big crowd. Buffet style. Hamparkan tikar. Cukup untuk semua duduk. Even got space for the guys to solat Maghrib jemaah. That was the idea when we renovated the house last time - big kitchen (no wet or dry kitchen) so that families and friends can easily come over for meals. It was a memorable meet especially after all that had happened and that it will be the first Hari Raya being apart. I had a teary hug with my Kak Long when she went back yesterday. Wish I had taken photos! Terlupa...
Dicelah-celah nasi beryani, bubur biji nangka and cucur udang, terselit pancake specially made by Aliyah. I watched Jamie Oliver's Christmas special last year and took the simplest pancake recipe ever which Aliyah can make on her own without anybody's help. Siap dengan maple syrup sekali. Yummy, I must say.
Alhamdulillah my kitchen is quite big to accommodate big crowd. Buffet style. Hamparkan tikar. Cukup untuk semua duduk. Even got space for the guys to solat Maghrib jemaah. That was the idea when we renovated the house last time - big kitchen (no wet or dry kitchen) so that families and friends can easily come over for meals. It was a memorable meet especially after all that had happened and that it will be the first Hari Raya being apart. I had a teary hug with my Kak Long when she went back yesterday. Wish I had taken photos! Terlupa...