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 Anak comel is back home for her three-week mid-semester break. Rasanya first time mid-semester break lama macam ni. Selalunya seminggu je. Having her around means that I have kawan lunch. Boleh lah keluar makan or if delivery pun have something nice. Kalau tak tu asyik buat nasi goreng je! Her break ends this weekend though... sunyi lah Mommy dia lepas ni...

Our country welcomed its 10th prime minister last week. PRU15 was held on 19th November. I have faith in our new PM and hope the new cabinet ministers to be announced very soon will consists of good and smart people. Insyaallah. Doakan jangan condemn je. Bila negara nak maju kalau semua benda tak kena?

SPR guna inai Neelofa ke apa ni?

Semangat agak tinggi bulan lepas pergi jogging. Dapatlah dalam 3-4 kali seminggu. Alhamdulillah no problem with breathing or heartbeat. Breathless sebab penat tu biasa lah sebab tak fit. I try to go beyond 5kms. Dapatlah juga 6kms ++. Target this month nak try 7kms pulak. 

Walaupun tak berjaya buat 200k steps at least lepas 100k. Dah berbulan-bulan dok bawah 50k ja sebab tak boleh jogging. This month nak try dapatkan that 200k.
I ran 59.9kms last month. Achievement tu! Sikit lagi nak achieve 80kms. Last week of the month asyik hujan je.

I got my birthday present from Hubbs and anak comel today! Hahaha... I actually don't know what to ask for. Hubbs kept asking what I wanted but I really don't know. Rasanya semua yang perlu dah ada. What's there to ask for? But then, I actually fell last 2 days. I was walking with anak comel back to our place during the rain after lunch when I accidently kicked her foot and my sandal came off. My bare foot touched the slippery sidewalk and before I knew it, I was slumped on the sidewalk. It was not a really bad fall but my arms hurt because on reflex I supported my fall with my palm, and my ankle hurt a bit. Today, anak comel went down to get a parcel and gave it to me saying - "Your birthday presenttttt!".

They got me this pair of Skechers foamies. Alhamdulillah... sometimes it takes other people to notice the things you need. I actually need these. Love those two lots and lots!

My good friends sent me a tutorial video on making a denim patch tote bag and asked me whether I can make them the bag. Boleh, boleh. Jadinya, I pun pergilah cari denim jeans and skirts dekat Jalan-jalan Japan. Mulanya nak beli je denim fabric je tapi agak mahal. Lagipun macam takda character pulak. Buying preloved jeans and skirts means that you actually get nice seasoned fabric. Faded yang tak sekata, ada part haus sikit, bila tetas buka pockets you get nice dark patches here and there. The end result was very nice just I love it! Rasanya boleh open order ni. Nak buat dia tak senang tapi bila siap - such satisfaction!

Berhempas-pulas nak buat the first one!
Model paksa rela!

When we first moved to this new house, I janji dengan Hubbs tak nak buat gardening dah. Memang tak ada tempat pun. But then... I'm so, so sorry I broke my promise!

Masa my friend Mas datang visit I after my SVT procedure tu, she brought with her pokok daun kesum dan dill. A few weeks after, I bought this plants stand and bought rosemary and daun kari. Lepas tu I tanam pokok bawang tu dan dalam pasu yang nampak kosong tu sebenarnya dalam tu ada kunyit. Now our balcony ada 2 sections - belah kiri edible plants, belah kanan pokok hiasan. Lengkap dah!
Ada plants baru best duduk dekat balcony
Lepas hujan lebat...

Stay safe!
