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Showing posts from August, 2021

Paranoia Mode On

 Today's case is 21K plus. Highest number of deaths was recorded a few days ago at 300 plus. I have one good friend from school who's battling Covid19. Alhamdulillah after almost 3 weeks of battle, she's getting better. But her experience was harrowing. She got her 2nd dose of vaccine just a few days before she was positive if I'm not mistaken. It truly helped we believe. Just this week, one of my favourite singers Siti Sarah passed away after contacting Covid19. She didn't get to see the baby she delivered while she was in induced coma. It was so heart-breaking to think of her baby who will never get to know his mother. And just yesterday, a young couple died within a day of each other leaving behind a daughter age 2 years old. These are the depressing stories we read every single day nowadays. With these craziness happening, naturally I've switched my paranoia mode on. Hubbs and I are both in vulnerable stage right now having received our 2nd dose of vaccine l...