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Showing posts from January, 2017

A Whole New World

This video is 2 years back but I kept on watching/listening to it. After Beauty and the Beast years years ago, terus jadi peminat setia Disney cartoons 😊. I remember listening to the tape of Aladdin soundtrack masa practical teaching. Drive dari rumah sewa di Dengkil ke Bukit Changgang, Banting. Among my housemates, I was the only one yang kena ajar sesi petang. Macam tau-tau je I ni tak berapa boleh bangun pagi! Sebelum ke sekolah, akan singgah kat satu rumah ni ambik sekali sorang student Form 1. I can't remember how we got into that arrangement. But at least, ada teman pergi dan balik sekolah. I think she must have thought I was crazy for playing the soundtrack of a cartoon almost every day. At one point I told her, listening to songs is one of the best ways to improve one's English. Mesti dia kata dalam hati - ye la, tapi main lah lagu lain Cikgu ooiii! Lea Salonga and Brad Kane sounded exactly the same. Even better. Kalau dengar saja tanpa tengok video memang terbayan...

First Week of New Business

We officially started our new venture this week. Plannya ialah untuk beli stock every Friday morning. So, all orders to confirm by Thursday afternoon. Blast product offering kepada yang kenal dan yang tinggal dekat saja dulu. Lepas ni baru bukak sikit radius tu. Alhamdulillah first week agak memberangsangkan. Berbekalkan chiller box putih tu, we bought some stocks - salmon fillets, beef, lamb shoulders, sausages, lasagna, pies... Petang tu terus start buat delivery kepada customer pertama iaitu Kak Ros. Hehehe... jual kat kakak ipar dulu! Thank you so much pada yang jadi antara customer terawal. Siap dapat free gift lagi😁. Seronok sebenarnya buat business ni kan. Macam masa bukak kedai dulu. Meet friends, make new friends... Dah lama terperap kat rumah mengadap laptop dan barang-barang kraf ni, keluar jumpa orang memang best betul rasa 😊. Start balik tulis buku resit dan buat accounts. Here are some of the products we source out from Yatt's shop i.e. Fresh Meat Shop. ...

In My Shoes

I walk. Or I run. I leave trails of my footsteps...

Grilled Lamb Shoulder

Ini intro kepada promotion ye 😉. Insyaallah akan jadi agent Fresh Meat Shop. Alang-alang dah jadi pelanggan tetap, might as well kan. Met up with Yatt and Hubby last Saturday. Very impressed with the small but well-stocked set-up. As usual beli Australian Lamb Shoulders. Extra kilo for Kak Ros. Hari ni, walaupun berulang-kali kata hari ni tak nak makan daging, lamb shoulders selamat digrill. Masyaallah... sedap! Lagi-lagi sebab Hubbs yang grill 😆. Balik kayuh petang terus kena kerah ke dapur😁. Side dishes - roasted potatoes and tzatziki sauce. Lamb shoulders marinated with salt, blackpepper and rosemary.

Pengantin Baru Belanja Makan

Sabtu malam pengantin baru belanja makan. Alhamdulillah... semoga murah rezeki couple comel tu. First time try Ana Ikan Bakar kat Bandar Baru Bangi. Quite nice lah. Tapi Masyaallah orang punyalah ramai. Sebab malam minggu kot. Tapi OK lah, dapat juga meja dan tunggu dalam setengah jam for food. Fast service considering punya ramai umat dalam tu!  Sebelum food sampai. Lapar weh! Bila food dah sampai. Sorry, tak pandang kiri kanan dah!

Behind the Scene Receptions Pics

Just a few more of Ijjul's wedding reception pictures. Semua behind the scenes. Just so glad that things went very well and that both Hubbs and I helped out 😊. Semoga Ijjul dan Aty kekal bahagia sampai syurga.  The night before Ekin buat this very beautiful inai pattern untuk anak comel. Lukis free hand saja. She's very talented!  Abang sulung rasmikan pelamin dulu malam tu. Bila turn dia pulak?😉 All set to work! Pengantin lama yang dulu tak merasa naik pelamin! Tengok tu, atas pelamin pun bawak kertas agenda. Pasukan biru pastel makan pangkal. Anak comel aka Neelofa amik gambar sebelum guests datang. Kain songket tu sebenarnya my SIL Nor bagi years ago sebelum Aliyah ada. Dia beli as souvenir dari Phuket. Tapi I tak pernah pakai sebab ikat macam pareo. So, tergantung saja dalam almari bertahun-tahun. This year anak comel dah besar baru bagi dia. Punyalah dia suka.

Dah Start Jogging Semula!

Bukan New Year's resolution pun. Sambung balik jogging sebab Aliyah dah start sekolah. Kena manfaatkan that 30-minute window sebelum buat routine biasa ke rumah my mother. Hopefully boleh turun 2kg that I gained during the school holidays! Hari pertama jalan saja. Takut kaki terkejut! Hari ke 2 Hubbs join sekali. This time around lari sikit. Mula-mula kura-kura ditinggalkan oleh arnab yang laju. Tapi akhirnya arnab kena berhenti tepi sebab dia lightheaded. Demam tak elok lagi tu. Jadi kura-kura berjaya jogging 1.5 bulatan lebih daripada arnab😂.

Ijjul's Wedding Reception 7/1/17

The D-day... It was tiring but loads of fun. Hubbs and I were appointed as the wedding "directors". Hehehe... Basically we have to make sure the itinerary was adhered to and according to the time indicated. Paling penting kena coordinate dengan DJ. So, we both put on our fitness watches that morning. Nak tau berapa kilometer berjalan 😁. Hubbs clocked around 6+km (dia kan Tok Sidang...) whereas mine recorded almost 4km. Fuh, jauh tu jalan pusing-pusing dewan!  Jam 10 dah gerak ke Bangi Golf Resort. Pakai pastel blue. (Tak nak makan bawah tangga! 😁)  Zura from Bakinglover came at around 10.30am. I ordered choc moist for the bottom and vanilla for the top. Yang ni Ateh sponsor sama macam Abang Ijam dulu. Bila dah pasang baru terfikir - I should've ordered bigger but thinner one for the bottom. Sebab nak potong dengan anak-anak yatim. Sebab Zura buat 3-layer cakes.  Tapi amazingly, dengan pertolongan anak-anak dara family Banting (dan doa banyak-banyak dalam hati!...


Alhamdulillah, Ijjul's wedding reception selamat berlangsung dengan meriah dan jayanya. It was so much fun to "work" along family members and Kak Ros' relatives to make the event a success. Walaupun tak rapat dengan family Banting, tapi bila sama-sama everything flowed very smoothly. Daripada pakai baju tema biru (semua sporting pakai baju pastel blue), sampailah layan tetamu dan pastikan aturcara lancar, semua orang worked together. Pengantin yang duduk atas pelamin pun dengar katanya sebak tengok pasukan biru pastel berkeliaran merata-rata tempat keliling dewan nak pastikan semua tip-top. Thumbs up! Personally, I put all my efforts to help out, especially that Kak Ros is not so well. Apa yang boleh tolong, memang akan tolong. Our family WA group memang penuh dengan updates. Mostly dedicated to her so that she knew the status of things. And also to communicate updates with the others. Alhamdulillah. Just before the reception, kesihatan dia bertambah baik. Yang pent...

Two Years Now

Semalam, 4 Januari, genap 2 tahun my father passed away. Still miss him miserably.  Kawasan perkuburan sangat semak dan bertakung air. I guess it's due to the rainy days. There is very high chance that my father's grave will need to be relocated. I have mixed feelings. Perhaps the new place will be a better place. Perancangan Allah adalah yang terbaik.

Family is Whole Again

Our little family is whole again. Hubbs is back for good. He accepted a job offer (project-basis) in Brunei and has been there since before Ramadhan. His tenure ended at the end of December. During his stay, he came back every 2 weeks. Sometimes 3 weeks. So, most of last year, I was a "single mother". It was quite difficult at first, juggling everything alone. Sending and fetching Aliyah from school and tuition, caring for my mother in the mornings, having to go for meetings in the city at least twice a week. The hard part was having to rush back from meetings. There were times I had to ask Aliyah to stay back at school because I couldn't get off early. Things started to get a little bit easier after a couple of months. I guess things were still the same but we have gotten used to the arrangements. The airport has also become a very familiar place. Every 2 weeks, mostly on Fridays, Aliyah and I would wait for Hubbs to send message that he has already boarded. Then we ...

First Day of School

As always, I would take photos of Aliyah's first and last day of school. This year - sememeh sikit muka 😆. Tahun ni dah naik Form 4. Cepat sangatlah besar anak comel ni.  Maklumlah... dah lama tak bangun pagi dan mandi 😝

Penang Itinerary 3D/2N

I'm just sharing my itinerary here. In case it can be of good use to those who wish to spend a short holiday in Georgetown, Penang and mostly binge on Penang food 😋. We drove to Penang and we started our journey from Bandar Seri Putra, Bangi. Travel Penang: Day 1 9.00am: Breakfast and then started our journey Occasional stops at RnR for short breaks and snacks. 1.30pm: Reached Georgetown. Lunch: Nasi Kandar Tajuddin Hussain, Lebuh Queen. [Must try: Ayam Masak Ros] 2.30pm: Check-in at Neo+ Hotel  [ find cheapest price here! ) 4.00pm: Walked around the area of old shop lots right to 1st Avenue Mall (my daughter can't resist malls!) 7.45pm: Dinner at Medan Selera Padang Brown. [Must try: Pasembur, Char Kuey Teow and Soup with Roti Benggali] Day 2 8.00am: Breakfast near our hotel i.e. Nasi Kandar Kassim [roti canai with dhal and chicken curry gravy] 9.30am: Bukit Bendera. (Try to go early if it's school holidays or weekend). Desserts at Astaka. [Must try: the Man...

Happy New Year 2017

A very happy new year wish from me. May the new year brings happiness, wealth and good health. I lost 4 kgs but gained 2kgs by year end. My new year's resolution? The weight can stay or go away for all I care, I just wish to be healthy. And murah rezeki. And happy.